Chapter 7. Midtown, Mental Health, and a Lot of Physics

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May 11, 2023. 6:00 AM.

My alarm clock goes off and when I see the time, I immediately surround it with water and it short circuits. For some reason, I barely slept last night. Nightmares and flashbacks plagued my dreams.

"Should I order a new alarm clock?" Eliza asks.

"No. Never get one of those again, I'm going back to sleep."

"I guess you won't be able to go to Europe then. Enjoy your sleep, but don't say I didn't tell you to wake up when Peter tells you all about his trip."

"Ugh. Fine." I groan, dragging myself out of my warm, cozy bed.

"In order to get to Midtown on time, I'd say you need to go shower."

"Alright. Fine." I say.

About twenty minutes later, I sit in the living room of the Stark house.

"Good morning!" Peter exclaims.

"Good morning," I say, not as enthusiastically. "I need this coffee to hurry the heck up." I groan, waiting impatiently by the coffee maker.

"Well, let's get you some breakfast, that'll help pass the time, right?"

"Oh. Yeah, I guess so." I say.

"What sounds good? We have oatmeal, some cinnamon rolls left over from two days ago when you were asleep, I made sure that we saved some for you when you woke up, there's probably enough ingredients to make an omelet or something." Peter lists off.

"I'll have the cinnamon rolls." I smile slightly.

"Cool, I'll pop these in the microwave. Do you have a backpack or something to haul books around?"

"I have a duffel bag, will that work?"

"Maybe, probably not though. Hey, I'll be right back, I just remembered that I have a spare backpack!" Peter exclaims. He runs up the stairs and I pull the cinnamon rolls out of the microwave.

"Eliza, does feeling normal mean always feeling this tired?" I ask. If I don't get caffeine in me in the next ten minutes, I might end up falling asleep again. I'm seriously considering driving eight minutes to the nearest Starbucks cause the coffee won't just hurry up- oh there it is.

"No, most normal people sleep eight to ten hours a night, you, however, got a total of three and a half hours of sleep last night and the nightmares aren't helping." Eliza replies and I walk over to the coffee pot.

"Three and a half hours? Nightmares?" Peter asks, dropping the empty backpack on the floor. "Alina, why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want you to worry." I mumble.

"Alina! I'm always worried about you, wether you're having nightmares or panic attacks or going off to who knows where to do who knows what!" Peter exclaims.

"And I appreciate that, but something as small as a nightmare isn't worth worrying about!"

"Alina, this isn't the Red Room." Peter says, his tone softening. "You know that right?"

Do I?

Can I tell the difference between then and now?

"It's like ink bleeding outside the lines." I realize.

"What is?"

"My two lives. My two personalities, everything. The red is seeping into the blue."

"How long have the nightmares been happening? The panic attacks? Did those ever stop in the first place?"

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