Weeks went by, I still went to my day-to-day job.

Doing the same routine, and having no complaints except for those people who keeps on walking while I'm still moping the floor.

I would occasionally curse them in my mind, though.

It was lunch time and I'm here it Makisa and Shinru. I was eating my tuna mayo rice balls while they eat their own bento boxes. I am also with one of the cats that is lurking around here which I call Tonkatsu since she has a brownish orange color on her fur and is also fat. I usually caress her and do feed her sometimes.

"So you never saw the guy again?" Makisa asked.

"Hai, it seems like he ceased to exist after that encounter," I said. Yes, the same guy who is looking for the necklace that I usually wear now.

"I wish he didn't wear a mask though, I would've known his face," I murmured.

"You did say that when you went there, an actor showed up and was then bombarded by fans right? Could it be it's the fan who dropped it?" Shinru asked. I just raised my shoulders at him, then he continued saying that if it's not a fan, it's probably the actor himself who dropped it.

"It's impossible. If he's an A-list actor, he can just get another one. Why look for this one?"

"Touché," Makisa agreed.

At this point, if he will not get it then I'll just keep it up until he needs it again. I'm not the type who will just keep what's mine, eventually I'll give it back.

If he ever comes back.

It was around 6pm when I was done with work, which is very strange. Maybe I was just so occupied at work that I finished it early today. I asked Makisa if there's any task that he can give to me, there is one but it's going to be cleaning and helping out with the set that was being used currently and he said that it may take up until 1am.

I said that it's fine, I mean today is the last day before my off tomorrow. I can just sleep in one of the hotels near here anyway.

I took an hour break until I proceeded to the 10th floor where all of it is happening.

The Fukisawa Building has 50 floors, and per floor, there's a certain team of janitors and janitress who will clean 10 floors each. Thankfully, I'm between floors 1-10 so it's not really a hassle. The 10th floor is one of the bigger floors because of the sets followed by the 20th, 30th, 40th and 49th floor and the rest are for offices and multiple departments.

I went towards Set 1A where I'll be standing by up until it finished.

When I went there, I saw Meiji-san with a lot of documents on hand. She was on the phone but was excited to see me and said hi, prolly we will be talking later then.

I went inside the studio and saw a lot of commotion.

Staffs and crew rolling around, actors are reviewing lines, lights being set up and a lot of more. It's going so fast, I'm starting to get dizzy.

Apparently, it's a shoot for a show. What it looks like is that the place it set up like an office, and actors are under workinh clothes and they're currently filming close ups for an actor that I'm not familiar with.

I mean, I'm only one year in this job and I don't know much about Japanese media. How the heck should I know?!

"Hey, Ray-san!"

I turned around and saw Meiji. I nodded at her and asked what's happening around here.

"Oh, this is for a skit that would be aired tomorrow at 12pm. So that's why everyone is working late today. I thought Makisa-kun will be here? I'm surprised you're the one that I saw."

"I asked if there's something I can do. This is one of his last tasks so I took it, besides I don't have work tomorrow. I can rest for a long time so this is fine," I told her.

After pushing the cart further, I started cleaning some parts of the set and was asked if I could clean some of the trash in the set itself which I accepted. They're currently filming now so I can't clean the set itself just yet.

"Cut, good take!"

When I heard the director shout, I went in quickly and started cleaning on unnecessary trash and knick-knacks on the set and moved on to another part of the set.

It was around 11pm when I took a break. Meiji sat with me while we ate our food.

"Ray-san, this is going to be out of the blue but have you ever been into a relationship?"

"Yes, and we broke up before I went to Japan. Long distance relationships don't work. I dodged the bullet," I casually said.

"I see."

"Why are you asking though?"

"It seems like ever since I met you, I had this feeling that you're lonely," I looked at her and sighed.

"Yeah, I guess so. But it's not a priority though. The reason why I'm here is to help my family in my home county but I'm open for possibilities, it's not like I want to be single while I'm here."

She nodded. She squinted in, "By the way, the actor is very cute."


"There, look at him! He's very cute and handsome, but quiet and reserved," she told me and I followed his hand pointing to the guy she's pertaining to.

Far on other side of the set, sitting on one of the actor chairs holding his script.

He was wearing his work attire due to his role, he has black hair that almost covers his eyes. He has a mole on his upper right corner of his lips. Lean built, and he doesn't look very Japanese to me either because of his features. He looks very serious but endearing at the same time.

I was... intrigued. Like I've seen him before.

"He has been an A-list actor for a few years and at his age of 27, he is getting popular!"

"More reasons for me to not be with those kind of people," I said to Meiji.


"I'm a janitor. What's an actor gonna do with me? Nevermind, Meiji-san. I want to be with someone that's within my league and he's definitely not in it. You're baka," I said to her while smiling.

"You're baka too!" She shouted.

I laughed at her, before looking back again to the actor guy. We must be really loud because he's looking at our direction now, he must've heard us from the far side of the set or have seen Meiji point at him.

For the first time, I felt very intimidated.

The way he looks at us, assuming that it's me, with this very neutral face is very unpleasant, it's like he's planning to kill me with his eyes already.

I can't seem to look away though.

It's like we're having a battle of who stares the longest and I sure hell won't lose unless I was asked to do something.

"Ray-san?" Meiji called.

"Wait a moment," I said.

"Let's continue the shoot!" The director shouted. The actor quickly got out of his chair and went to the set, now getting ready to be on his place.

I smiled.

"Why are you smiling very weirdly?" Meiji asked.

"Nothing. Nothing. I just won a stare contest."


Here ya go, a new chapter from this craziness! 😅

Hope you enjoy this! I'm going to be somewhat busy this week so might as well post chapters from this and I'll find a time to complete the new chapter from the KuroDachi fanfic!


- RayRay

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