"Eh? Ray-chan?!"

I looked at the person called me. Wait what? He's here too?!


I quickly ran to him and gave him a hug. It's been so long since I'd seen him!

"Oh my god, how are you?!" I asked excitedly.

"This is the definitely one place I would not expect you to be in, Ray-chan," he said.

"Hey, what does that mean?!"

He just laughed at me, like he usually does. Jin, everybody knows him Shirasu Jin, is also an actor that is well-known here in Japan too - and the only actor that I know of. He was under Fukisawa back then before moving to another network which happened months ago.

We became best friends - well, he treats me like a little brother - after I accidentally knock a cup of coffee on a prop while mopping the floor during one of his shoots. He protected me from that angry director and I was relieved that he was there. Not the best moments of my life but at least I gained a friend, an actor of a friend in fact.

"Why are you here, Ray-chan? Isn't it your off today?"

"Yeah, something happened..." I showed my arm to him, "...and was saved by Akaso-kun who is currently on set now. He brought me here because someone might come back," I explained.

"Wait. Don't tell me..."

"Yes, Jin-san. He found me."

"I'm so sorry it happened to you. That bastard, he should not be here. It's a good thing that Ei-chan is there earlier."

"Wait, you know him?"

"Ah, he's my co-star in the show. Of course, I know him. How did you know him?"

"Like how we met, it was on a shoot. We had an intense staring contest, and he said sorry for staring back at me afterwards."

"What? That's very unlikely of Ei-chan. Don't know if I believe you or not, Ray-chan."

"You're the second person who told me that what he did was unlikely of him. Am I missing something here?"

He just raised his shoulders, I scoffed at him. We talked for a few minutes before he was called for his own scene, he said that he'll be back later for me.

That's very nice of him but I know he'll be busy so I didn't expect much.

After that encounter with Jin-san, it looks like I slept because of the boredom and looked at clock showing 6pm.

I saw Rin putting Akaso's clothes to the racks, and in front of me I saw a big bento box and iced coffee.

I'm dumfounded.

"Hey, Rin-san? Whose food is this for?" I asked her.

"Oh, Akaso-san ordered the bento box for you and Shirasu-san sent you the iced coffee."

"Ehh? Ah... arigato," I opened the bento box and just ate whatever food is on it, disregarding the sushi.

Hate me on this, but I dislike sushi.

After eating, I asked Rin if I could watch Akaso do his scenes which she happily said yes and walked me through the set.

Going in the set, they're filming on a somewhat big office that was set up as a meeting room for a record label. Me and Rin went to the resting area if the actors and just stayed there, watching the director say "cut" and "action".

I watched Akaso from afar, even in a few feet away, that over-the-top red hair is noticeable.

While I'm there, I have some conversations with the staff on the costume department and asked them why the heck did they chose that hair. They provided me the character's profile and the inspirations for the look, even going on with the fashion magazines and stuffs. I bluntly stated that the hair is too much and they surprisingly agreed but since that's what the production agreed on, then they have nothing to do about it.

"Cut! Good take, let's take a quick break!"

Me and Rin went to meet Akaso when he sat in his chair. Rin quickly gave him water.

"How was I in the scene?" Akaso asked.

"You're good, but your hair is so distracting I can't even watch you perform with that wig," I said, honestly.

"It is getting pretty itchy already."

I snickered at him. "How many more scenes will you be shooting?"

"Two more scenes, and I'm already done for the day." I nodded in response, "By the way, Ray-kun. Is it okay for you stay at my place tonight?"

I looked at him in shock.

"Ray-kun, sorry if this is sudden but that baka might come back to get you. I'm worried."

That's very sweet him, I thought.

"Thank you for the offer but I'm fine. It'll be inconvenient for you, plus I don't want you to be a part of this chaotic mess."

As much as I appreciate it, he already helped me a lot today. The last thing I want to happen is him and Ohm being caught in a fight and I don't want him to experience that. He is already a busy guy, adding this stress will be hard for him.

"But I want to he---"

"Don't worry, Ei-chan. I'll take care of Ray-chan here," I looked at my behind and saw Jin-san.

"I'll take him home safely tonight, I'll make sure of it."

"Wait, aren't you busy?" I asked.

"No, it's fine. Not that bastard finding out about where you are."

"Wait, you know about Ray-kun too? And you know that baka as well?" Akaso-kun asked Jin-san in shock.

"It's a long story but yes, we know each other and also yes, he told me about him. I never met the guy, but looking at how traumatized Ray-chan is, I assumed he did a lot of things that would make my blood boil. I'm like Ray-chan's protective brother and I'm also worried as much as you are, Ei-chan. Especially at what happened to him today."

"Hai, hai. Just let me know if that guy comes again, I'm not done with him just yet," Akaso told me.

"Thank you to the both of you. I don't want to say this out loud but I can't believe I have two knights in costume wear to protect me," I joked.

They snickered at how bad my joke is and rolled my eyes at them both.

The shooting resumed up until it was around 10pm that it ended, and not too long after, I was already inside Jin-san very expensive car.

"I'm kinda afraid that I'll make this car seat dirty, Jin-san."

He shuffled my hair, "Then let it be dirty. Even if you look like trash, you are still welcome at my car."

"Did you just call me trash?!"

"No?" I hit him on his shoulder, and shrugged it off. I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Awww, don't make that face. Gommen-nasai!!!!!!"

"Now you're mocking me. That's it, I'm taking a taxi!" I was about to open the car door when the lock clicked. Tried to unlock it, but it's not working.

"Just kidding, Ray-chan. Come on, put your seatbelt and let's get you home."

I sighed, and did what he told me to do.

And just like that, now we're stuck in a traffic all of a sudden. Well, it is a day-off. Most people are going to their homes now.

"Ray-chan," Jin-san called.


"Do Ei-chan like you?"


A long awaited update for a certain bestie of mine! Here we go, chapter 5!

I'm currently starting to make chapter three on the other one but hopefully I can work on it when I am free enough.

See ya on the next chapter!

- RayRay

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