It has been a few days from my day-off and I'm here at one of the floors at Fukisawa, I was tasked to clean one of the big function rooms at the 5th floor.

It's very quiet but pleasant in here, considering this is a commonly used room.

You can hear the sound of my steps, the water and the mop. I can even hear the necklace that I found weeks ago, the clinking sounds coming from the ring and the chain.

Up until now, no one came back looking for this. I wonder if this A.E. guy will appear again, but I do still have his calling card.

Should I give him a call?

No, I won't use my phone. I am told by Jin-san to not use this up until I get a new phone, since that is maybe the case why and how Ohm knew where I was.

Which made me remember what we talked about that night when we're in the middle of the traffic...


"Does Ei-chan like you?" he asked.



"I mean... Ah... Eh, I don't know, why ask such a ridiculous question, Jin-san!"

"You know, otōto, I can actually see things that sometimes you're not aware about, especially when guys like someone. I've been there before."

"And why are you telling me this?"

He sighed, "You're hopeless."


"I'll let Ei-chan say it to you. It's not right for me to tell it anyway, but I, as your very overprotective semi-brother from another country, I approve him already."

I rolled my eyes at him. I don't even know what he's talking about.

"Anyway, I'm thankful that I'm able go see you today. Even if it's not the way I liked to see you in."

"Me too, I'm grateful as well. It's been months since you left Fukisawa, and you never even contacted me or anything. I assumed that you already forgot about me which is fine. I already accepted the fact that people and come and go anyway."

"Gommen, it's just been busy after I moved. I already have multiple projects lined up for me."

"I understand. It is a job where unexpected things can happen. Unlike mine, just a janitorial job."

"Hey, don't belittle your job to mine. Whatever job it is, you are still being payed. Even though it's not the job that I wanted you to be in."

"Well, it is paying me more than my last job. I can't complain at all."

"Hai. Plus without that job, you won't have a brother and a new knight in 'costume wear' as you said."

"He-he, how funny."

"But I did not forget you, Ray-chan. In fact, I did miss you and the days that we casually talk when we see each other on the hallways. Gosh, I never knew I needed that hug until earlier."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I over-acted. It's just great to see your ugly face."

"Did you just call me ugly? I'm one of the most handsome actors out there!"

"Pffft, dream on baka."

We laughed at each other, not knowing that the car moved in front of us already. We continued laughing even though the car behind us is honking like a maniac.

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