"Employee no. 314, can you copy?"

I pulled out my transceiver, "Copy."

"Someone is looking for you at the HR Department. Over."

"Roger that," I quickly moved my trolley and went towards the elevator.

Is it the A.E. guy? Did he came back just for this necklace a few weeks after he lost it?

Well, I hope it is him.

I wanted to give this back to its rightful owner, but at the same time I don't want to. It seems like I'm already fond of this necklace being on my neck and it will be weird not wearing it at all once I got it back. I never took it off after the day I wore it, I don't know, it seems like it's something that protects me. Quite cheesy to think about, but that's what I feel.

When the elevator door opened, I pit my cart away and went towards the HR Department.

From the hallway, there's this uncomfortable silence that made me nervous. It's eerily quiet when I should be hearing people chattering from this point.

Going in through the sliding doors, I see no one around the area.

At this point, I felt like I was being pranked. I'm looking back and forth and see no one, and I'm getting more nervous.

"Guys, it's not funny. Don't try to prank me, its not working," I shouted.

Still, no one appeared or said something back to me after a few seconds.

That's it, I'm getting out of here. I don't like this feeling at all.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I froze. When I heard that voice, all it has given me is chills. I was suddenly feeling like I'm in a verge of having a panic attack. This is always what I feel whenever his voice is heard everywhere.

Keeping myself calm as I could, I asked, "What are you doing here?"

"What, I'm not allowed to see you, Ray?"

I didn't reply to him. He should've known by now that I wanted to be away from him. I avoided him for years now, why can't he give me peace here in Japan?

"For almost 5 years, I thought you're nowhere to be found. I thank a lot of people who helped me find you back in Bangkok, and got all the information I needed."

I listened to him talk and didn't made a move.

"I found out that you migrated here to Japan, worked for a lot of jobs because of your family. I booked a trip, went here for you and here I am Now... I can bring you back with me."

"No," I softly said.

"Why? Aren't you flattered that I went all the way because of you?"

I faced him, showing him a neutral expression.

"You should leave," I coldly said to him which made him angry.

"Is it because of that douchebag? I'm better than him! You know that!"

That's it, I'm already done with him!

"No, not because of him... It's you! I went as far as I could just to stay away from you. I've already had enough of your lies and your manipulation! I'm traumatized, and up until now I still live in fear and don't trust a lot of people because of you!"

He was shocked that I shouted at him. I never shouted since I've been the quiet one in the room. But this is one of those rare times where I just can't hold my emotions anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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