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The ground was layered with a heavy mist, and confusion was lacing rhe air.

What the hell is going on? Inosuke whipped his head around wildly, twisting in circles to try and see, to no avail.

His frantic starting got cut off by Tanjiro screaming. And it wasn't a normal type of fear that filled his chest— it was the kind of premonition of bad things to come. Inosuke could feel horror creeping up my spine as he turned only to freeze in place. That thing had grabbed Tanjiro.

He opened his mouth to yell, but no words came out. He couldnt move, he felt so useless. Finally, Inosuke shifted his weight and prepared to jump, but it was too late.

Before Inosuke could even leap, Tanjiro felt the air squeezed out of him when the demon squeezed its hand around his ribs, causing him to gasp and loose even more oxygen. Blood spattered out of his mouth and tears swarmed in his eyes. It was only seconds before a horrible crunching sound, and Tanjiro went limp in the demon's hand.

Inosuke stopped in shock, then reeled back and screeched as he sprinted wildly towards the beast, gripping his dual swords in his hands so tight his knuckles turned white. He was running on fear and grief and mere adrenaline, stumbling on emotions.

But the demon merely lazily flicked his hand and sent him flying towards the tree behind me. The last thing he heard before getting hit in the head by a branch was the creature saying:

"He'll die like his friend, stupid and weak."


Inosuke woke with a start, shooting up from the mess of pillows and blankets surrounding him with a shocked shout. His breath was out of control, but calmed as he saw Tanjiro laying limp in a bed near him.

He glanced around some more before he got up, and started making his way to the door to explore the rest of this mysterious house. He didn't get very far before the doorframe swam before him— his head injury was screaming at him to sit down.

However, he just held still for a minute to let his body adjust to the darkness and standing up. He had no patience for waiting. When Inosuke glanced back at Tanjiro, he saw that he didn't even notice before in the dim light, but he had bandages everywhere. His face looked cut up, which made no sense because the demon only held him for a short while. Maybe for longer while I was passed out but he couldn't have hurt him this much...

He was also breathing heavily. Did he get sick or something? Maybe there's medicine around here. He looks pale. And he's covered in sweat. Something doesn't feel right.

He walked out of the room and glanced down the hallway. It was quiet. And still. No noises or shuffling movements could be seen or heard from his angle. He couldn't sense anyone around either. He hesitantly made his way towards the end of the hall, taking note of each room as he passed it.

A kitchen. A dining room. A resting area. A garden outside. A couple other guest looking rooms and a bathroom. It looked like a normal house. But Inosuke still didn't know why they were there, or how they got there. The mystery wasn't solved even as he walked into the kitchen, searching for anything that might be able to help Tanjiro.

It was weird. Inosuke had never seen him like this. He looked so... weak.

Inosuke found nothing but empty medicine bottles, and he wouldn't be able to read them anyways. He felt his eyes get wet with tears.

Instead of dwelling on it though, Inosuke roughly wiped his eyes and sat up, making his way out into the garden. He always felt more comforted when outdoors— a sort of familiarity that calmed him even in stressful situations. Suddenly, a pointy leafed plant caught his eye.

"I know this plant! I used it when I was young on the mountain and it helped me feel better!" Inosuke grabbed them and sprinted back inside, excited. I could make him better. Maybe I'm not weak after all.

When he got to the room, Tanjiro looked worse. He was sweating buckets and his face looked pale, and bright red at the cheeks.

Inosuke ran over to where he was laying and tried to wake him up. "Gonpachiro, come one wake the hell up. I got you medicine. Wake up!"

Tanjiro opened his eyes slowly but he looked startled.

"I-Ino.. suke?" His voice was hoarse.

"I got the damn medicine so eat it already!"

"Inosuke.. it hurts... I can't.. I can't eat." He looked so tired. Inosuke felt the water in his eyes again. You have to make him better. Don't be weak. He told you not to die so now it's your turn.

"Well then what do you suggest I do Kamaboko? Feed it to you?" After he had said that Inosuke felt his face heat up. He didn't understand why, but covered his cheeks with his forearm anyways.

"That would be... the best option. Could I have some-" then he started coughing. Hard. Inosuke patted his back roughly, but when that didn't help, he ran to the kitchen to get some water.

The faucet was old, and it took a few sputtering seconds for anything to come out. The water was chilled, and startled him when it came out. After a few panicked seconds, Inosuke found a glass and filled it up hurredly, almost forgetting to turn the sink off again as he scrambled out of the kitchen.

When he got back, Tanjiro was panting again and Inosuke helped him drink the water. After a minute, his face looked a little more his natural color, but he still was a little flushed. His breathing became a little more steady, and Inosuke gently (a shock) placed the leaves in his mouth.

Tanjiro chewed for a few seconds, took the water again to wash it down, then swallowed roughly. His head fell back against Inosuke's seated abdomen, pushing some air out his mouth.

"Inosuke, what if we never see them again?" His face looked tired, but his eyes were serious and sad.

"See who?" Inosuke's voice was quiet. It was never like that.

"Nezuko... and Zenitsu... and everyone." His face contorted into a sad and hurt expression. Inosuke just held still, startled at this sudden change. He agreed though— now that he didnt have to think about whether Tanjiro was ok or not, the realization of their lack of companion was sinking in.

"Inosuke! What if they die-!" Tanjiro started sobbing, face contorted into a scared emotion, and enveloped Inosuke into a crushing hug. He buried his face into his chest, and Inosuke wrapped his arms around the crying boy.

He continued to cry and hold onto him, and Inosuke didn't know what to do. He thought of when Tanjiro would comfort other people, and took it as guidance.

"I'm sure they're... somewhere. Gonpachiro. If we made it here, I think they must be somewhere safe too."

Tanjiro wiped his eyes and sat up, and Inosuke didnt realize how tightly he had been holding onto him until he was empty again.

"you're right. Thank you, Inosuke," Tanjiro smiled a bit, and leaned back in to lay on Inosuke's chest. His hand absentmindedly came up to stroke Inosuke's blue hair, which enveloped his face.

"Could I— can... can I kiss you... Inosuke?"

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