"You're very endearing when you're half-asleep."

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WARNING: fluff and the tiniest bit of unwholesomeness. It'll get more steamy in the part two if that's what you wanted lol.

Sorry but I didn't have a picture to match perfectly this time. I usually get inspiration to write by seeing drawings so I put them in too, but this one was the only one I could find that showed what I wanted. Sorry again.

If you don't like this, then don't read it. I'd hate to make you uncomfortable. If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it. Have a good day, or night, or whatever.


Third person POV:

Tanjiro and Inosuke had been in rehabilitation training, something that had become part of their daily life at the Butterfly Estate*. Today, however, had been a very tiring one.

*(Can't remember whether its butterfly estate or mansion, so imma use them interchangeably since I'm too tired to do research.)

Along with the usual stretching, and tag, and all the other strange training assignments, they offered to (Tanjiro forced them to) help with all of the daily chores. From fetching water to folding laundry, from scrubbing dishes (something they would never allow Inosuke to do again) to cleaning the floors, they worked for hours to make the mansion as good as new.

Zenitsu complained the whole time, or at least most of it when he wasn't completely crying from all the work. He passed out almost immediately when they went back to their rooms that night, after he had scarfed down all his food in a rush to get to sleep.

Inosuke on the other hand, ate a lot slower and more mannered than Tanjiro had ever seen him do before. It was surprising to say the least, but he definitely didn't hate the new change.

As Tanjiro was walking back with Inosuke to their room, he noticed that Inosuke was stumbling a bit.

"Are you ok Inosuke?" He asked. He tilted his head to face Inosuke's boar mask, which was slowly but surely falling off.

"Mm.. fine." He mumbled some more things, but Tanjiro could see he was exhausted. "Wait a second, hold still." Inosuke almost tripped over his feet but for the most part stayed still.

Tanjiro bent down a little, and put his hands on the mask. Inosuke, unlike what Tanjiro had expected, didn't move at all. Instead, he just stood there, and Tanjiro could hear a yawn through the mask.

Smiling, Tanjiro slid the mask all the way off, revealing a half asleep Inosuke. His head tilted to his shoulder sligtly, moving more towards his chest after Tanjiro had removed the boar mask fully. Tanjiro giggled a little to himself and took the mask under his left arm, holding onto Inosuke's hand to the right.

Inosuke let his head rest on his chest, and walked slowly with Tanjiro back to the room. They made it to the end of the hallway and opened the door softly so they wouldn't wake up Zenitsu. But when they heard no complaints for the light Tanjiro peered in and saw an empty bed and a note. He made sure Inosuke was stable on the doorframe, then walked over and picked up the note.

It read:

Hey Tanjiro.

Sorry, but I got a stomache illness from eating the dinner today because I didn't know there was medicine in it and you're supposed to eat it slowly. I'll be back in our room tomorrow or maybe the day after but for now they're having me stay in a different room because I'm throwing up so much.

Anyways, bye. I guess.

Tanjiro laughed quietly to himself at Zenitsu's rushed handwriting and small sketches in the bottom of the paper of him throwing up over a garbage can.

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