inguries pt 2

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WARNING: fluff and some mild touching. (By mild I mean one of them help the other jerk off, so nothing else.)

I ain't gonna do an overview bc that takes two much time and I'm already having a mental breakdown.

You know the drill. If you don't like, don't read.

Inosukes POV:

I stared at him, not understanding. What was a kiss? Was it like a crush? I didn't really know what a crush was either, but I had heard both words come from the crybaby at the same time while he was blabbering about girls, but I never got to ask what it was. He still looked tired and delirious, so I figured he wasn't in his right mind.

"Yea sure whatever you wa-" I was cut off by him pressing his lips against mine. Was this a kiss? If it was.. I liked it. I tried to kiss back when I felt him poke his tongue at my lips. I opened them obediently, not really understanding but letting it happen. It felt natural.

We both explored each other's mouths with our tongues, and it was getting hard to breathe but it felt so good. He put his hands around my neck and held on to my hair and made a noise I'd never heard from him before.

I wanted to hear more.

I'd never done this before, but it felt so damn good. I wrapped my hands around his waist and he made another noise into our kiss.

It felt like hours that were probably only minutes, and the only noise was the rustle of fabric and the soft moans from Tanjiro.

After a while, I pulled away, and he tried to kiss me again but I stammered "I- I need to... breathe... w-wait.." I panted and he laid his head on my shoulder. We both sat there, catching our breath, waiting for nothing in particular. I moved my hands from his waist onto his shoulders, so we were in this weird angle, but I felt a tad bit weak myself.

I was about to ask him what to do next when I looked at him. He had fallen asleep onto my shoulder. I felt my heart flutter, I let him rest on my chest.

For a while, I just held him and hummed softly into his ear. It felt so comfortable. I felt my eyelids get heavy, and I succumbed to sleep.

... (yes these bitches fall asleep easily stfu)

Tanjiro POV

I woke up to the sound of Inosuke panting slightly. I didn't know why, but I was asleep on his chest. I rubbed my eyes and looked at him and blushed.

His eyes were squinted shut and he looked like his was biting his finger to keep from making a noise. His face looked contorted between pleasure and pain.

"Inosuke? Are you alright?" I asked. My blush wouldn't go away. He looked so adorable.

"Ah~ I just- I woke up and- hah~ I felt something- down- and- ah~ I wanted to touch- you but I don't know wh- wh- hah- why and it feels good but it also doesn't- and I- I- ah~! It won't go down- ah~!" He moaned out on accident and he tensed up under me.

I understood what was going on.

Granted, I could feel what was going on under the blanket.

I suppressed a smirk and tried to get him to focus on me.

"Inosuke? I know what's going on. And I can help you. But it'll- it'll hurt a little at first but then it'll feel good and then it will go away. But I.. I need permission first. I mean I'm not going to do anything to you- I-i mean I am but n-not like-" I heard him moan out again and remembered he probably didn't understand anyways and I was getting flustered for nothing.

"P-please- a-ah~! It won't go away-" he looked at me finally- but his eyes were filled with lust, something I'd never seen him have on his face before.

I nodded and he moaned out, and I undid his pants as fast as I could. I heard him try and suppress another loud moan but instead it came out distorted and breathy.

I moved him to sit on my lap, facing out, so he could see what I was doing. When I adjusted him in place, I accidentally jerked him by my own hips.

"T-Tanji- ro- ah~!" I pulled his underwear down and let his boner out. I felt him gasp in surprise, but then went back to trying to suppress his noises.

I bit my lip, trying to contain myself. I obviously didn't want to hurt him, but I also didn't know what he could withstand.

For fucks sake, I didn't even know where we were. But I felt myself get hard, and I'm pretty sure he felt it too, because when I didn't touch him he tried to move his hips against mine.

I quickly tried to put my fingers in his mouth to stop him from making me moan, but of course he didn't know why I was trying to get him to suck my fingers and shook them away. I sighed and sucked my own until they were ready, and I used one hand to hold him and the other to enter.

I felt him squirm, but I whispered shakily in his ear that this was what was supposed to happen.

I moved around in him, and after a while of him adjusting, I stuck in another. But damn was it difficult. He was tight as fuck. I scissored him for a while, until groans of pain became those of pleasure, and I placed another finger in. I felt him move his hand over his mouth, and his other started to scratch at his arm.

I guessed I was doing a good job.

When I was done fingering him, I realized I didn't even really need to. It wasn't like we were gonna have sex. Right? I felt my own bulge throb, and I groaned.

I slowly began pumping his member, earning cries of pleasure from Inosuke. I began to go a little faster, and I heard him moan my name.

I wanted more. I needed to hear him say my name until he couldn't say anything.

I started to grind onto him, and he arched his back on to me, making it easier to feel my boner through our clothes. We moved faster, almost hastily, like we wanted to feel things quicker.

He moved his hands so they were holding onto my hips, guiding them to his. We moved harsher, crashing onto each other, the moans and sounds of slapping skin.

Soon enough, Inosuke could no longer even make words form, and I saw his eyes roll back into his head. To be honest, it was even hard for me to think straight with him grinding on me, hitting my hard dick every time.

I tried to go even harder, using my other hand to reach up and play with his nipples, and right as I started pinching them I jerked my body upward, probably hitting his ass square on through my pants. I heard him scream in pleasure, and I just smirked and bit my lip.

Guess we found out who liked overstimulation.


"Aaaaand, cut! That's a wrap folks! Good job you two." The director shouted.

As we were both handed new clothes, I smiled at Inosuke.

"The way you acted was amazing! I almost couldn't tell that you didn't enjoy it!"

He blushed at looked away. "Y-yea, I didn't enjoy it."

"Not at all."

Ehhehehehehehe how'd you like that twist.

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