The Bracelet Girls and Z-Arc's reincarnations

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Source for some of the names:

Okay random but I'm gonna start this part by saying that I'm gonna give Z-Arc's reincarnations the name 'Dragon Boys' because each of them have a dragon lol

A lot of these are very similar so I'm ranking them similarly

Also there are so many ships I'll just rank them when I get to them

So let's start with the normal, mainstream ships from this group:

--- Yuya x Zuzu (FruitShipping) - 8/10 as canon as PokéShipping

--- Yuto x Lulu (FallenAngelShipping) - 8/10 definitely canon

--- Yugo x Rin (AppleShipping) - 8/10 again definitely canon

--- Yuri x Celina (PredatorShipping) - 8/10 surprisingly not canon but probs closest to the original

--- Z-Arc x Ray Akaba (GenesisShipping) - 6/10 they are supposed to be enemies also the source that I'm getting the names from leaves out an s but because of the way I'm using capital letters I'm not going to change that

I'm not gonna go through the other het versions of these ships (eg Zuzu x Yugo) because I can't be bothered. They all get a 4/10 for being neither canon nor gay.

I like the idea of shipping Ray with all her reincarnations and I'm gonna call this ProtectorShipping - 12/10. Z-Arc being shipped with his reincarnations can be KingShipping - 10/10 Z-Arc's evil but could work as a mentor lol. Protector minus Ray apparently NatureShipping (or just the bracelet girls) 15/10 (this is becoming WeRateDogs-level territory - pun not intended) while King minus Z-Arc is apparently DimensionShipping (or dragon boys) again 15/10.

Now for some Bracelet and Dragon sub-ships (and I made most of the three-way ships up anyway)

--- Zuzu x Celina - SerenadeShipping 11/10

--- Zuzu x Rin - TuneShipping 9/10

--- Zuzu x Lulu - WhistleShipping 10/10 their fringes are similar (what a dumb reason to ship this)

--- Celina x Rin - AuroraShipping 10/10 same as above (facepalm)

--- Celina x Lulu - MoonBlossomShipping 10/10

--- Rin x Lulu - SwiftShipping 11/10

--- Zuzu x Celina x Rin - OldBraceletShipping 6/10 I've seen it a lot it's a bit overused but then I guess Lulu wasn't introduced for a little while lol

--- Zuzu x Celina x Lulu - TwilightBraceletShipping 9/10 this one is probably this high because Rin looks quite different to the others

--- Zuzu x Rin x Lulu - GoodBraceletShipping 9/10 yeah Celina's sorta a rebel so this one's alright but I still prefer BraceletShipping as a whole also I think Celina's my fave bracelet girl but idk

--- Celina x Rin x Lulu - SpiritBraceletShipping 9/10 sad they couldn't survive

--- Yuya x Yuto - CounterPartShipping 10/10

--- Yuya x Yugo - SyncShipping 10/10

--- Yuya x Yuri - RottenShipping 10/10

--- Yuto x Yugo - CollisionShipping 10/10

--- Yuto x Yuri - SpectreShipping 10/10

--- Yugo x Yuri - PawnShipping 10/10

--- Yuya x Yuto x Yugo - InterveneShipping 9/10 it's better than the Bracelet equivalent I guess (as far as I'm aware it's not overused)

--- Yuya x Yuto x Yuri - DarkDragonShipping 8/10

--- Yuya x Yugo x Yuri - NonDamagedDragonShipping idk 7/10 I made it up to fill the list but there isn't much point in shipping it it doesn't bring anything to the table also the name is supposed to reference the fact that the Xyz world is in trouble or something I should watch more Yu-Gi-Oh! please give me a better name for this ship

--- Yuto x Yugo x Yuri - SpiritDragonShipping 9/10 same as SpiritBracelet

Wow this is exhausting

Right now I'll do Ray and Z-Arc with their reincarnations. I don't really like these ones as much as the full ones so I'm just gonna give them 7/10

The Ray x Bracelet Girl ships are named after their elemental cards while the Z-Arc x Dragon Boy ships are named after their Dimensional Dragon

--- Ray x Zuzu - EnFlowerShipping

--- Ray x Celina - EnMoonShipping

--- Ray x Rin - EnWindShipping

--- Ray x Lulu - EnBirdShipping

--- Z-Arc x Yuya - OddEyesShipping

--- Z-Arc x Yuto - DarkRebellionShipping

--- Z-Arc x Yugo - ClearWingShipping

--- Z-Arc x Yuri - StarvingVenomShipping

If I left any unranked or unnamed I can't be bothered to fix it

Edit: fixed some of the ones that I made up a new name for because I found out their real names also according to the source I got the updated names from I was right about the Z-Arc x Dragon Boy ship names

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