His thoughts on your break up

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Harry Potter: He was greatly confused as to why you were avoiding him. He couldn't remember doing something wrong for you to act this way towards him. He decided to ask your housemates if they knew something. They glared at him first before hesitantly speaking. And only then did he realized what stupid thing he did. That bloody dare from Ron! He shouldn't have agreed to do that in the first place! Him, along with their roomies were playing a game the night before and he lost so they dared him as a punishment. The dare was to ask Cho to the Yule ball. That or to swim naked in the Black Lake. What he wasn't aware was you were there that time and seemed to have misunderstood what happened. You didn't stay until the end to hear that it was just a dare after all. Now that he knew the reason for your confusing attitude, he was eager to find you and explain everything.

Ron Weasley: Hermione and Harry were two of the few people who was mad at him for what he did. Kissing Lavender back was one thing but then he went and pushed you down the floor! That was a jerk move and he deeply regretted it. Hermione couldn't take the stupidity her best friend did so he wrote a letter to Mrs. Weasley, informing her about what happened. Days later, Mrs. Weasley herself showed up in Hogwarts and requested a visitation for Ron. He was up in his room when Molly arrived. The moment Ron opened the door, he was greeted with a slap upside the head. Molly then went on to lecture him about what he did and urged him to apologize to you. Ron was beating himself up for what he did to you because he didn't only hurt you emotionally, but he unintentionally did so physically as well. He didn't know how to apologize to you, much more how he could convince you to take his stupid ass back.

Draco Malfoy: A day didn't even pass when he realized how incredibly foolish it was of him to leave you there, crying. But to avoid saying and doing any more things that he would regret, he decided to fight his urge to run back to you and continued to his room. He needed to think things over. He needed to first talk to Pansy and tell her straight that he couldn't be with her because he loves you. He only loves you. After his talk to the said girl, he then would think up a plan to apologize to you and make it up for all the harsh things he told you that he didn't even mean. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing and he really, really regret it.

Fred Weasley: In contrary to what you thought, he didn't really leave. He just stopped trying to break your door down and sat beside it instead. He rested his forehead on his knees and waited for you to open the door. That is until your roommate told him that he should really come down because boys weren't allowed in the girls' dormitory. He hesitantly complied and went down to the common room with heavy steps. He then sat beside his brother on the couch and told him what happened. He was only helping Angelina be noticed by his twin by attempting to get him jealous. You see, Angelina liked George and wanted to be noticed by him so she resorted to asking Fred for help. And Freddie being the prankster that he was, decided against his better judgement that it was a good idea to make his twin jealous by flirting with the girl. In his defense though, he didn't know that you were there and was planning on telling you afterwards but didn't get the chance to seeing as you walked out and got angry without hearing him out. What could he do to make amends?

George Weasley: George was so confused as to why you just walked out on him after whispering to his ear with that sweet, soft voice that he came to love so much. To make things worse, the words he heard come out from your mouth wasn't exactly sweet and cute. You wanted to break up for Godric's sake! He didn't even get the chance to run after you because of how shocked he was. Why? Why did you even thought of doing such a thing? He waa so dumfounded that he didn't even notice Katie calling his name. He only took notice of her presence when she flicked him on the forehead. He shook his head and regained composure. That's when it him like bludger straight to the head. You must've been there that night! You must've seen what happened. And knowing you, he just knew that you didn't stay 'till the end. That's why you were acting so off and even told him to break up with you. She misunderstood everything! I must tell her the truth. I bloody need to!

Oliver Wood: He didn't even waste any time and stood up to immediately run after you. He was holding the necklace tightly in his hands while running so fast people would think that he was being chased by dementors. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and at the same time, look at where you went. He saw you turned left into a corner and wasted no time running again to follow you. He saw you sitting on a bench by the empty corridor and was about to approach you when he saw someone beat him to it. Fred Weasley. Fred sat down beside you and put a gentle arm over your shoulder. You kept on crying and he patted your shoulder softly in an attempt to cofort you and make you stop crying. George then arrived a few minutes later with your favorite snack and a bottle of water. You immediately stopped crying and ate it slowly while the twins were telling you about the pranks they did that week in an attempt to make you laugh. Fortunately, it worked. You were cutely giggling as Fred told you about that time when thy turned Filch's hair pink. You can just imagine the look on the poor guy's face as he chased the twins all around the school. Oliver was pissed at this sight. The twins were at close proximity and he didn't like it. Not one bit. He was about to step in and tell them to get away from you when he heard you speak. You were telling them what happened so Wood backed up and his behind a nearby wall. His eyes widened as big as the quaffles they hit during matches when he heard about the problem. I was such a bloody wanker! Damn it. I need to talk to her. Now.

[A/N: I didn't get to write Neville's part on this one I'm sorryyyy]

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