Who you are jealous of and why

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Harry Potter: ~Cho Chang~ You've liked Harry since your 2nd year. Now that you are in your 4th year, Professor McGonagall announced that Hogwarts will hold the Yule Ball. You were so excited to ask Harry to the dance. You know that it should be the other way around but you don't care. All you wanted was to go with him either way. You saw him on a staircase leading to a balcony. You were about to call out to him when you saw that he was talking to her. None other than Cho Chang. You stopped in your tracks when you heard how he nervously asked the girl to the dance. Without even hearing the whole thing, you turned your back and began walking away with tears threatening to fall from your beautiful eyes.

Ronald Weasley: ~Lavender Brown~  Your house just won the Quidditch match and Ron was the star player. Everyone was congratulating him when you entered the common room. Some were cheering and some were even carrying him while slightly throwing him in the air. When he was let go of, you walked towards him in order to give him your own kind of congratulations. As you were doing so, Lavender Brown, a girl you never really liked cut in between you and put herself in front of the ginger. To your surprise, she held his face in her hands and pushed her lips onto his! Your mouth dropped open in shock. Everyone in there stilled. They were surprised as you were. You regained your focus when you heard someone cough behind you. You closed your mouth, shook your head slightly and ran outside.

Draco Malfoy: ~Pansy Parkinson~ Being in the same house and the same group of friends, it never really bothered you that Pansy was always with you and Draco. You have always known that she fancies your man and you would be lying if you said that it doesn't bother you. But the girl never really did anything to make you feel jealous. Maybe it was because she was respecting your friendship? Well, whatever it is, you were thankful. You smiled while thinking about it but it immediately  fell when you turned left towards the corridor and saw Pansy cornering your beloved boyfriend. Your friend  put both of her hands on either side of Draco, not giving him room to escape. When she was about to lean in and attempt to kiss him, you were already marching up to them and stopped right beside them. Both of them looked startled by your sudden presence. You thought that Pansy would let Draco go when she saw you but no she didn't. She actually had the audacity to cockily smirk at you and turned her attention back to Draco. Both you and your boyfriend were surprised at how she acted and when he was about to push her, you found your hands already grabbing a fistful of her hair and dragging her away leaving Draco with his eyes open wide and his mouth open in shock.

Fred Weasley: ~Angelina Johnson~  As they were in the same quidditch team, Fred and Angelina seen together isn't weird. What's weird was them spending more time together than usual when they weren't even that close to begin with. At first, you thought it was just teammates hanging out, talking about quidditch strategies and such. But you noticed that they were acting much closer than what friends would be. You didn't pay any attention to it at the beginning as you knew how easy it is for your boyfriend to get along with anyone. Upon seeing their faces so close to each other as they whisper against each other's ears, the green monster was slowly taking over you. You didn't want to draw the public's attention by making a scene so you make do with just glaring at both of them from where you were sitting in the Great Hall. But when Fred reached out to tuck a stray strand of Angelina's hair behind her ear, you finally snapped. You closed the book you were reading and harshly slammed it down the table. The object of your jealousy quickly looked towards your direction, making your guy do the same. When he saw your face however, the smile that was plastered on his face was replaced with a look of surprise and later on, fear. He hurriedly withdrew his hand from Angelina's ear and abruptly stood up to explain but you were already storming out of the hall.

George Weasley: ~Katie Bell~ George and Katie spending time together wasn't strange. Both of them were players on the Gryffindor quidditch team so being together was inevitable. They spend many times together but of course, they were with their teammates as the only time you saw them with each other was during practice. So imagine your surprise when you saw them together up in the Astronomy tower with no one else around. They seem to be talking to each other while gazing at the stars. You didn't mean to eavesdrop but you heard it anyway. Katie was confessing her new found feelings for your guy! You were expecting George to outright reject her because he already has you but what you witnessed was far from the rejection you were hoping. He smiled gently and reached his hand out to pat Katie softly on the head. Before George can utter another word, you hurriedly ran down and went back to your room.

Oliver Wood: ~Hermione Granger~ Oliver seemed distressed when he approached you after classes. He was falling behind on two of his major  subjects and was temporarily banned from entering the quidditch field. His ban would only be lifted if he scored high on the upcoming exams. And of course, knowing that his baby was one of the smartest Ravenclaw students there is, he turned to ask you for help. Unfortunately though, you were busy with the clubs you were in. Your astronomy club was having a big project that the members would be showing off at the end of the semester. Majority of your time and attention were needed in this project. With a heavy heart, you had to decline. Days later, the project seems to be doing quite well. Happy that you got yout first time off the program, you set off to find your boyfriend. You were disappointed in yourself for not being there when he needed you so you planned to make it up to him. Arriving at the library, you spotted him behind one of the many huge shelves. His full attention was on the book he was reading. You were about to approach him when a girl got to him first. You could recognize that bushy hair from anywhere. It was none other than Hermione Granger. You came in second after her in the list of the smartest students in Hogwarts after all. Seeing her act so chummy with Oliver made your blood boil a little. You decided to sit a couple seats down from them to see if they would notice you. You even coughed a few times to get their attention but none of it seemed to work. They continued talking and occasionally laughing together as if you weren't even there. You then sighed loudly, closed your book and walked towards them. Stopping directly behind Oliver, you were about to return the book on the shelf but not before purposely hitting the back of his head with it. When he turned to glare at whoever did that, you were already walking away.

Neville Longbottom: ~Ginny Weasley~ Tonight was the Yule ball. You were so excited that you haven't got any sleep last night because you were up until dawn to finish every last assignments you were given so that you could enjoy the ball to your heart's content. Sad to say, on the afternoon before the party you accidentally fell asleep while preparing your things. When you groggily woke up, it was already dark outside and that made you come to your senses. You immediately stood up and started freshening up. You hurriedly put your dress on, did your hair and makeup and made sure that your heels are clean and shining. When you arrived however, the dance already began. You were looking for Neville amongst the sea of students because he was your partner. You couldn't find him though. There were so many students and you couldn't see even a glimpse of his curly hair. Your feet were sore as you were walking to the benches. You were not used to wear high heels such as what you were wearing but you wanted to look beautiful and tall for him. When you finally sat down to rest, you looked around and your eyes finally caught sight of the boy you were looking for. You stood up and walked towards him but stopped abruptly when you saw that he was with someone. There, a few steps in front of you was Neville dancing happily with Ginny. They were having small talk and cutely laughing every now and then. When Neville turned towards you, your gazes met and he immediately widened his smile. You softly smiled back but as soon as you turned around, that smile fell and was replaced with a frown. Small tears were threatening to cascade down your pretty face as you walk back to where you were seated.

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