First kiss

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Harry Potter: After your Hogsmeade date, he escorted you back to the dorms. When you were about to go up the stairs, you felt a hand hold your arm. You stopped walking and turned around. He got closer and put his hand on your cheek. As you stare into each other's eyes, he leaned in and gave you a sweet kiss.

Ron Weasley: Once inside Honeydukes, your eyes sparkled. Everywhere you look there were sweets. You bought Sugar quills and led Ron outside. You offered him one and he declined. You got confused but nonetheless continued eating. You were happily munching on the said sweet when you heard him call your name. You turn to look at him when you felt lips touch yours. He pulled away and giggled when he saw your surprised face.

Draco Malfoy: You have never been into a relationship before. This was your first time being close to a guy. You always seem to draw couples in your sketchpad and Draco noticed that. He asked you about your drawings. You answered that you were only expressing the things that you would like to experience someday with the one you love through them. He saw a picture of a couple kissing. He blushed at the sight but gathered up the courage to hold your cheek and lean closer. You were shocked at first but smiled and closed your eyes. Once you did, you felt his lips over yours. You didn't hesitate to kiss back. You pulled away and giggled at the sight of his flushed face. He put his hand on your waist and the two of you watched the sunset side by side.

Fred Weasley: Being led to a bookstore by Fred surprised you a lot. You didn't expect him to be the kind of guy who was interested in books. You found a cozy spot at the corner of the store and sat there. You proceeded to reading the book that you brought. It was a romance novel. Fred asked if you could read the book to him. You were confused but did it anyway. You were getting to the part where the protagonists kiss and you stopped. Fred asked why and you said nothing, just gestured at the book. He took it and read it himself. He smirked and looked at you. What he said surprised you. "It should be easier to just act the scene than read it, right?" Your face got red at the thought of the guy you like kissing you. While you were distracted of your thoughts, Fred took this as an opportunity to kiss you.

George Weasley: Your first kiss with George happened way back when you were kids. You were playing house where a wedding ceremony was taking place. You were about to be the wife and George was about to be the husband. His twin, Fred, played the role of the priest. When the words, You may now kiss the bride, were uttered, you felt George hold your cheeks and pressed his lips to yours gently.

Oliver Wood: You were watching a championship match between your boyfriend's house and your house. You didn't know who to cheer for so you ended up not cheering and just clapping every time each house gets a point. In the end, your boyfriend's house won 70-50. He went down on his broom to celebrate his win with you.  You were suddenly swept off your feet and felt arms around you. Oliver hugged you tightly and you returned the favor by doing the same. You pulled away from the embrace and smiled at each other. You congratulated him and gave him a peck on the lips.

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