How he asked you out

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Harry Potter: ~You're in your 3rd Year~ When it was class dismissal, you heard someone call out to you. You looked back to see Harry. You immediately smiled. You greeted him and asked what he wanted. He smiled and shyly asked if you would be willing to go with him on a date to Hogsmeade tomorrow. You hugged him and said that you would. He kissed your cheek and said thanks. You walked out of the classroom hand-in-hand.

Ron Weasley: ~You're in your 3rd Year~ It was a weekend and you have no classes. Ron really wanted to ask you on a date and so that's what he did. Knowing that you have a massive sweet tooth, he wanted to take you to Honeydukes. He found you in the common room, talking with Ginny. When Ginny saw him, she smiled and said goodbye to you. He then took the courage to ask you right there if you would go with him. You, of course said yes.

Draco Malfoy: ~You're in your 4th Year~ When he spent time with you, he found out that you like to take pictures, sing and draw. He found a cute little garden just behind the school and thought of you. He would very much like to take you there. He searched for you and found you sitting by yourself on a bench. He approached you and took your hand. You were surprised at first but smiled when you saw Draco. He told you to meet him there tomorrow afternoon. He also said to bring your sketch pad. You had no idea what the sketch pad was for but, you wouldn't pass up any opportunity to be with Draco so of course you said yes.

Fred Weasley: ~You're in your 3rd Year~ You were really shy. Fred didn't have any idea where to take you on a date at first. But when he saw the lovely library near Honeydukes, he thought it was perfect since you love to read. He saw you reading by yourself in the library. He came up and sat beside you. Knowing that Fred wasn't even interested in reading, you got confused as to why he was there. He seemed to understand what you were staring at him for so he asked you directly. And of course you said you'll go.

George Weasley: ~You're in your 4th Year~ You were over his house to help his mom bake. His older brother, Charlie was to be expected that afternoon. Since your dad isn't at home, Mrs. Weasley invited you over. You were with George in the kitchen rolling out the dough. *A/N: le skips the baking process because I don't even know how to bake* When it was finished, you two called out everyone to the table. George offered you the one that he made. You looked at him funny before giggling and taking it. You took a bite and felt something inside the muffin. It was a paper. You looked at George and he motioned you to open it. You did and you gasped at what was written. I'm muffin without you. Will you be mine? You stood up and ran over to hug him. The whole family weren't shocked as you were. Turns out they were the ones to help George come up with this entire thing.

Oliver Wood: ~You're in your 4th Year~ After that day at the bleachers, Oliver comes up to you everytime you watch your friend play. Only this time, you weren't expecting the surprise. After the match, every player of the Gryffindor team were on their brooms floating in the air holding what looked like a banner. At their captain's signal, they unveiled the said banner. Written in their was My team calls me the Keeper. So, will you let me keep you with me forever? You admit, it's pretty corny but hey. It's sweet. You motioned for him to get closer. And when he did, you grabbed him by the tie and kissed him square on the lips. He looked shocked at first but kissed you back. "Does that answer your  question, Wood?"

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