The first wish

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Roses are red, violets are blue
When the next rose will appear you haven't a clue.

It was a chilly night in Sweet valley a beautiful small town located deep within miles and miles of forests and surrounded by three beautiful mountains that are exceptionally majestic this the name Sweet valley. It was exactly midnight at the town and the streets were completely empty and quite that one would assume that everyone was sleeping.

Deep within the forest were seven people standing under the full moon. The seven people were dressed in red clothes that covered their body from head to toe as you could hardly make out their faces with the hood on their heads. They stood in a circle with a red basket kept in the middle of the circle.

"Its time," said the girl carrying a bouquet of roses " we each need to write our wishes down on a piece of paper and place the papers in the basket."

She gave everyone a piece of paper and a pen and silently they all started writing down their wishes.

"Alright now that we have all written our wishes down, we need to put them all in the basket and as per the tradition of the our society the basket will be shaken and a wish will be drawn. I will pick one of the wishes at random and the wish to be picked must be fulfilled by us before the end of the week," the girl continued.

Everyone placed their paper containing the wishes they wrote inside that red basket. The girl lifted the basket shook it and picked one of the papers from the basket. They all held their breaths in anticipation of whose wish will be granted in the first moon of the year. The first moon of the year is the first full moon of the month of January and its considered to lucky and auspicious. The girl opened the paper and read from it.

"Remove Veronica from her throne of popularity and reduce her to grass from grace," she read for everyone to hear. Taking a lighter from her pocket she lit the paper on fire and dropped it on the ground. Everyone remained silent and watched the paper burn. She took a red rose from the bouquet that she was carrying and gave it to the person standing right next to her.

"You know what to do," was all she said before she turned around and left. After she left everyone else followed in and organized manner, they all silently walked back to town with their heads down.

The sun rose in the morning bringing about the beginning of a new day and the people woke up and went about their day oblivious of the meeting that took place in the forest in the middle of the night.
Inside sweet valley high school a panic had began among the students and the teachers as one of the students found a red rose in her locker. The principal after receiving news of this immediately informed the sheriff of the town and asked her to come to the school to help handle the matter.

When the sheriff arrived in the school she was informed that a rose was found inside the locker of one of the students and the whole school is worried about the fate that awaited the student. The worries of everyone was justified due to the incidents that have taken place in the past. Whenever a red rose would appear to a person bad things tend to surround the receiver of the rose. The sheriff proceeded to check the CCTV footage of the school that was in area where the locker in which the rose was found is but there was nothing that could aid the sheriff in knowing who placed the rose in Veronica's locker. The rose only came with a note that had a rose emblem on the back, the note read
'Veronica from grace to grass.'

"Everything is going to be fine," said Archie Veronica's boyfriend while embracing her in a hug. Veronica hugged him tighter as her entire body trembled with fear of what possibly awaited her. She cried in his embrace and held on to him like her life depended on it. After a while the sheriff approached them with the principal by her side and offered to take her home. She explained to her that until they figure everything out she will have to stay at home under police protection. Veronica left the school with the sheriff and went home.

Upon arrival she was greeted by her devastated mother who couldn't help but be fearful of the fate that awaited her daughter. She hugged Veronica and wispered words of comfort to her while trying to pacify her.

Brenda, Veronica's mother offered to make her some tea while Veronica went to her room to freshen up. She entered the bathroom and locked the door from the inside and leaned on it. The fear of receiving a red rose completely engulfed her and she dropped to the ground and continued crying.

After a while she finally managed to gather a bit of strength and got up from the bathroom floor and headed to the bathtub. She opened the tap and filled the tub with warm water and poured the caramel scented soap in the tub before she entered the tub and layed her entire body under water. She drifted off to sleep minutes later and her body finally relaxed from the tension and fear that it was subjected to.

Veronica is sixteen year old girl who lives with her mother Brenda, her father Mark together with her brother Jared. She has an outgoing personality and is very popular among her peers. She has thick black hair that flow down her shoulder which is straight. She is tall and has a body like that of her model with very beautiful long legs. She loves to participate in beauty contests and loves shopping. She has blue eyes which resemble the blue sky which farther radiates her beauty.

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