Mayas disappearance 2

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No words could describe the fear that coursed through Maya's body. She sat aghast with her eyes popping out of her sockets, with the gun pointed at her head the poor girl trembled fearfully.

She could not believe the situation she was in, it was only yesterday morning when she went to school. She had fun with her friends and was completely happy but now she sat here in the dirt with an aching body and a gun pointed to her head. She wondered where she went wrong in her sixteen years for life, destiny or fate whichever one led her to her current state to lead her down such a dreadful path. She remembered that Veronica was the one who is to blame for her current predicament and her hatred for the girl kept growing in her heart.

She felt betrayed as her best friend stabbed her in the back and left her at the mercy of such monsters. There was just no way she was going to forgive Veronica.

"Get up," the gardener commanded before throwing a blindfold to her and asked her to tie it around her eyes. Maya didn't dare disobey the scary looking man with a gun and did as told. Once that was done she was done she was asked to start walking , they headed towards the east. They kept walking for while before Maya stopped walking when she felt a hand on her shoulders. The hand was cold the fear that was flowing through her veins increased intensely. She kept praying in her heart that they didn't suddenly change their minds about having her work for them and decided to kill her and be done with it. Maya continued to pray until she felt the person put something on her hand. Since she couldn't see she felt what was in her hands and found it to be a rose flower.

"Congratulations ! Your initiation will be done in a few days and you will then officially become one of us. I can't wait see this, you know this is the first brand of the red roses society. I can not wait to see how this all this plays out," said the girl with a very sweet voice and from the sounds of it she didn't seem to be any older than her. When she heard such an innocent sounding voice say this to him did not bring comfort to the poor girl but instead she was scared out of her wits.

Her hands and feet started shaking and the cold of the night was slowly kissing the skin of the already frightened girl and making the situation even more uncomfortable for her and she lost her composure and fainted.

"Poor thing she fainted out of excitement," the girl said to no one in particular then she turned and looked at the gardener and said " you take care of her and make sure that she understands what is expected of her. Make sure that she understands not to disappoint us and give her another rose as the new gardener she needs to start doing her work. Her first rose is for Veronica, the society has society has decided that she will be part of the red circle." She took a box from her bag and gave it to the gardener. "If the girl gun does not convince her to do the job then give her this box and tell her we send her our regards."

When Maya woke up she found herself in the room she was precious in and found that she was alone.She got up from the bed wanting to leave and box fell to the ground. She picked it up,opened it and picked up the content inside and was shocked when she saw that she was holding a hairpin. Not just any hairpin but The hairpin. She had buried the pin so how did it end up here in this box. ' How the red roses society get their hands on this pin ? If they have this pin then it means they know, they know everything but how can they know ? How did they find out about this ?'

Maya's heart was in disarray after seeing the pin, she saw a note inside the box she opened it and it read.
' The harder you try to bury something the more it comes back to haunt. Hope you want disappoint us gardener your secret will not remain a secret anymore. Good luck !'

Maya screamed loud enough to awaken the dead after reading the note. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She couldn't refuse them but she also couldn't bring herself to work for them. Only God knows what those people had in store for her. She wailed loudly like a new born baby after being given a slap by the midwife.

The door to her room opened and she saw the scary looking gardener coming her way he held a rose on his hand and red box on the other. He brought them to her and requested her to take them in a voice that sounded polite but because of his husky way in which he spoke made it sound more like a command.

Maya got up from the floor and took them, she sat down on the on the bed and looked at the rose that terrifies people the town that was now in her hands. Her hands shook slightly as she hold the rose in her hands.

"Here is note pad and a pen. And the new gardener it is your duty to write down the messages on the note and put it in the box together with a rose flower. You are also to ensure the roses are given to the intended person on time, and that the task given to your circle is completed within the given time. Failure of completion of the task will results in punishment and completion of task will results in all members of the red circle being rewarded by having one of their wishes granted."

He reached to his pocket removed a piece of paper and handed it to her. The list contained six names of the new members of the red circle.

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