Am i being watched ?

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Veronica woke up to her mother knocking on the bathroom door. She stood up and wiped her body with the towel and wrapped it around her body before opening the door. She found her mother standing on the door with a worried look on her face.
"Are you okay dear ?"asked her mother "I have been knocking here for a while now and you were not responding. I was beginning to worry that something might have happened to you."
"I am fine mom, I fell asleep while taking a bath that is why I took so long."

Brenda moved to the side to allow veronica to enter the room. She went to the coffee table situated next to the window and picked up the cup of tea that she made and gave it to veronica to drink. Veronica took the cup and drank it before returning the cup to her mother. She went to her closet to pick out an outfit to wear. She wore a blue blouse that compliments her blue eyes with a white sweat pant. She went to the bed and lay there thinking about the rose and what will become of her.

She flipped and rolled on the bed trying to find a comfortable position to sleep but in vain. She pillows to the left side of the bed as she decided to sleep without them when she saw a red card on the bed lying underneath one of the pillows. Her fatigued body became as pale as death as fear ran its thy hands down her spine. She picked up the card, opened it up and read it.

'We hope you had a nice bath, what we have in store for you will require you to be refreshed and energetic. We will be in touch.'
Red roses society

Veronica shuddered with fear when she finished reading the note. She got up from the bed and ran to the window to see if the person who left the note was outside there. She nervously looked around but could not see anyone outside.
' Am I being watched ?' she thought as her body was shook like a blade of grass.

She ran as fast as her feeble legs could take her out of the house startling her mother in the process. Her eyes wondered anywhere and everywhere trying to find the person who left the note. She was so distracted by her search that she could not hear her mother's frantic calls and by that all the neighbors who were at home came out to see what was wrong. None of the neighbors dared to go to the mother and daughter to comfort them in fear and that the red rose would appear on their doorstep if they do hence they simply stayed put and watched.

Some of the neighbors were at  least thoughtful enough to offer prayers for Veronica and her family and hoping in their hearts that the poor family would find a way to evade the calamity that is upon them and if not then at least they should survive it. By now the entire town already found out that veronica received a red rose.

Veronica's eyes kept looking at the neighbors with extreme terror written all over her face. She wondered which eyes in the crowd were watching her. The officer assigned to protect veronica phoned the sheriff and informed her of veronica's state there by requesting her to come over.

Brenda phoned Mark's office and informed him of what happened at home and the state in which their daughter was in. He told her to take care of his daughter and that he will request leave from work so as to be with his family during this difficult time. After speaking to her husband Brenda took her daughter into the house and sat down with her on the couch. For the first time as a mother she was clueless of what to do and how to bring comfort to her child when she herself was scared. She wanted to reassure her daughter and that all will be well and that all this will pass but she herself couldn't believe that so how could she utter the words to her daughter.

They both sat silently in the couch without moving until they heard the door bell ring, Brenda snapped out of her trance and went to answer the door. She opened and welcome the sheriff in without so much as a word of greetings. She then returned to the couch sat down, with the sheriff following suit and sitting on the seat opposite the mother and daughter. She grabbed the attention of both brenda and Veronica when she started talking.

"I have been thinking about what happened to Veronica today and I want you to know that we are going to do everything we can to ensure that nothing bad happens to you. Your daughter is a social butterfly and a very popular girl not just in school but in the town as well and I think that is why she is being target of the red rose society. The note you received at school indicates that their goal is to make you unpopular or make people despise you. I don't know how they plan to do that or why but I will try my very best to figure this out."

"We don't want you to try and figure this out sheriff, we expect you to do so. My daughter is being targeted by those heartless people and you have to stop them from causing her any harm."

"That is why I need to ask you if you suspect anyone to have done this, for all we know this could have happened due to a personal grudge. I am going to have to ask you if you have been in kind of argument or misunderstanding with anyone of late."

"What exactly do you mean by that sheriff ?" asked Brenda who was now getting furious "my daughter is a nice person and would never fight with anyone."

"I know that she is a nice person Brenda but even nice people get in a fight every once in a while. Your daughter's life is in line from the red rose society so please cooperate with me so I can help her."

Veronica had heard enough of her mother and the sheriff arguing, she took the note she found under her pillow, gave it to the sheriff and went to her room.

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