Unforgettable incident

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Immediately after Veronica's car was seen driving off a villainous looking gent wearing a red hood came to the room and picked up the unconscious girl and carried her out of the warehouse and to the back his car. He opened the trunk the car and removed a rope and used it to tie her up. He placed her inside the trunk, locked it and drove off.

Veronica arrived home half an hour later and snuck back up to her without being notice. She flopped down on the bed as tears of despondency slowly cascaded down her visage, leaving her so weak and frail. She closed her eyes and allowed the tears to flow freely as they went to. She wanted to scream out and vent out the frustration that had been built up inside her since the day began but she couldn't find the courage to do so. Her throat was dry, her body was exhausted and her mind was tired. She was worried about Maya and what will happen to her not to mention the photos that the red rose society still has.

Her mind raced with so many questions for the rest of the night and soon the sun was seen rising from the east. The sun ray fell on the window brightening the day and eliminating the darkness of the night. For most people in sweet valley it was a brand new day full of hopes and dreams but to Veronica who hadn't even slept a wink the previous night it was yet another day of unspoken possibilities that will break her even more.

Brenda and Mark woke up very early that morning and together they prepared breakfast for their children. Jared woke up to the aroma of the food being cooked in the kitchen. He took a shower got dressed and went out of his room. He wore a green shirt, white ripped jeans and a pair of green sneakers. He went to his sister's room and knocked on her bedroom door, when he did not get a reply he turned the door knob and entered the room. He found his sister lying on the bed wide awake staring into nothing and due to the bags under her eyes it is very clear that she hasn't sleept a wink for the night. He walked to the side of the bed and sat down next to her. He greeted her a good morning but his sister without blinking or twinkling her eyes returned his greetings with complete silence.He reached out to hold her hand in his hand squeezed it gently. He badly wanted to protect his sister and take away her pain.

Jared is a seventeen year old boy who loves playing football and hanging out with his friends. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a very muscular body which is the result of the workouts and going to the gym. He is one of the popular boys in school due to his friendly personality. He loves his sister very much and enjoys spoiling her by talking her shopping or to an eatery for food that is why seeing his sister in such a condition brought him immence pain. He felt as though someone or something was squeezing his heart and he was finding it hard to breathe. He suggested to take her shopping and nudged her to get up get ready but she just laid there without moving.

Jared heard his parents calling to him. He left the room, went downstairs to find that his mother and father had set up the table for breakfast. On the table were all of Veronica's favorite foods and her favorite juice. He informed his parents of the horrible state his sister was in before pulling himself a chair and sitting down to have his breakfast. His parents packed the food meant for Veronica and kept it in the refrigerator for her to eat later for they knew that she would not eat the food at the moment in such a state. What she needed now was some space to sort out the state of her mind.

Vivid images of yesterday's events kept playing in her mind. Veronica wondered if she had done the right thing by leaving Maya behind at the warehouse at the mercy of the red roses society. She wondered if Maya will come to hate upon waking up and realizing what she had done to her. She wondered what they were going to do with Maya, about the photos they gave if they still had copies of them. She wondered about what they would ask her to do next just to make sure they keep her secret safe. What more was she willing to do to keep them from being revealed. The thought of anyone coming to know of her secret scared her out of her wits. She was paralyzed with fear and her eyes were now brimming with tears which she let flow down her cheeks. She was breaking apart with each passing moment and body was threatening to give out once and for all. The image of her hitting Maya with the rod kept replaying in her head like a movie on repeat and it made her shudder with fear of the outcome of her actions.

Maya was her best friend, someone she could always turn to in her time of need and would always offer her a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear. She couldn't believe that she had done that to her, she wore a sardonic smile that mocked her.
She was a bad friend, daughter,sister and person.

Everything was becoming a faint blur and she could not make out a head or tail of what happening around her. Her
body was cold despite the warmth of the sun, she was shivering from cold and her hands had become ice cold. She didn't even notice when her brother came to see her or when he left. She was completely lost in her thoughts and however much she tries to forget the incident,it is permanently packed in her memory.

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