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Before Maya could even process any of the words that the gardener had even told her someone else entered the room. A woman carrying five boxes with her and unlike the gardener she wore normal clothes. She placed them nicely on the bed and turned to her.

"In that paper are list of members of the red circle, make sure they all get an invitation for the red circle. You are not at headquarters right now, you are in my flower shop. The flower shop has a secret door at the back that leads to seven rooms which will belong to the seven members of the red circle including yourself. This is one of those rooms, apart from this there is a living room just outside that connects all the rooms. This where you will hold your meetings or just to relax that is your business. Other than the red circle only the red roses society know of the existence of these rooms and it should remain like that. You have until sunset tomorrow to make sure that all the members are recruited as your initiation will be done tomorrow at sunset."

She left after she was done and once again she was left in the room with only her thoughts and fears as company. Maya hated the situation she was in but not as much as she hated Veronica, she was going to make her pay by hook or by crook. She got up and left the flower shop and went back home, she found her had gone when she arrived at home.

She took out the spare keys from under the flower pot, opened the door and went straight to the kitchen to look for food. She was starving and went to her room and locked herself in. Everything inside her felt upside down, she felt lost and exhausted. She remembered when she had a gun pointed to her head by the scary looking gardener and shuddered.

Her body started trembling at the thought of working for the red roses society but that was not the only thing that caused her to shake so much. She couldn't believe that the red roses society knew about her secret. She was very careful in covering everything up but they still found out about it. To make sure that they don't reveal anything to anyone she would have exactly what they ask of her.

She was furious, at her friend Veronica,at the red roses society,at her helplessness and at life. She could not understand why all of this was happening to her, she was confused at what she did to deserve everything that was happening to her. And because she needed a place to direct her anger, she chose the only person she could get even with. Her hatred for her friend increased immensely.

She closed her eyes to relax but her mind just kept replaying the events of what happened over and over again no matter how hard she tried to close them. She shot up as tears of disbelief filled her eyes, she wanted to wake up and realize that all this was a bad dream but her mind refused to cooperate with her. It refused to deceive her and create an illusion of comfort for her.

She remembered the sweet voice that seemed to a teenage girl while in the forest and wondered if she will become exactly like her. If the role will be reversed and she will have to scare a poor soul to oblivion. She knew that her life will never be the same again after today. She lays in bed the whole day trying to figure out what to do next.

She took out the boxes out the boxes from her bag and placed them on her bed then removed the red note pad that the gardener had given to her and wrote in six paper sheets, she placed each sheet in different boxes and kept them by her bedside. She now only needed the six roses then also needed to find a way to deliver to everyone on the list. She felt a headache coming on but she couldn't bother with it right now. The most important thing was finishing the work before sunset tomorrow in order to avoid the consequences promised by the red roses society.

Maya fell asleep with out realizing it and while she slept the same villainous looking gent who had kidnapped her come into her room through the window with six roses in his hands. He kept a rose in each of the boxes, took the boxes and left the same way he came in.

Maya woke up to her mother screaming her name from the kitchen, she asked how her day went and proceeded to prepare dinner. Maya looked to her bedside to make sure that her mother had not seen the boxes and freaked out. It will be very difficult to explain anything to her, to her surprise the boxes were gone. Instead of feeling relieved she felt frightened, what if her mother had seen the boxes and took them with her.

What exactly was she going to say to her, she got up from the bed and dashed out of this downstairs and into the kitchen to find her mother. Her mother was busy cutting the vegetables as she sang her favorite song. She wanted to ask about the boxes but a part of her was hesitant. If her mother had seen and taken the boxes then she would not be so calm nor would be so composed as is right now. The red roses society made it very clear that no one should find out about what happened or else she would suffer the consequences. She waited and had dinner with her mother before going back into her room.

She fell asleep thinking about the boxes. In sweet valley many got sleep soundly except for a few teenagers who could not afford to sleep due to fear. Those poor souls are the ones that got picked to be the new members of the red circle.

They were namely; Veronica, Jiji, Archie, Brandon, Beth and Christian.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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