Chapter 2

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As Enoch strolled down the dark corridors of the place he grew up he looked round every corner, making sure no one spotted him as he made his way towards the place he loved the most. The mortuary. If he was aloud to sleep in there, you bet he would.

"Hey Mrs Smith, still hanging in there Mr Charles, you guys wanna play today? Sure you do! I'm going to get the hearts right now!" Now it would've been a miracle if they responded at this stage in the process. "and I'm coming back, make sure you're all changed. Haha how could you not be! You're all dead!" That's right they are dead.

"I would sincerely hope that we changed Mr O'Connor. It would be very unfortunate if we weren't." This made Enoch drop the hearts he was holding.

"Holy- who are you and how did you get here! And how much of that did you hear?" he blushed shyly. 

"I heard enough, I am Miss Jay and I have come to take you to my loop." she replied.

"Oh no you are not taking me anywhere you creep. I will destroy you if you come any closer!" He was getting kind of freaked out now.

"There will be no need for that Mr O'Connor. Let me explain everything to you. You may want to sit down." she nodded to one of the coffins lying on the floor.

"No. I don't take orders from you." he sat down anyway.

"I know what you can do, I am like you and unlike you in so many different ways. You see, we are peculiars. We are different to other people and we live one life all at once. We can do things others can't. In your case you can bring back the dead, but only for a certain amount of time. I however am different as I am an Ymbrene. I can turn into a bird at will and manipulate time. I have a loop in the countryside where I look after and rescue young peculiars that may be in danger."

"But I'm not in danger." Enoch replied knowing the answer.

"Yes you are. You may be unaware as we cannot see them but there are shadow creatures. Hollowgasts are their other names. In the part of London you live in it is much more difficult to stay clear of them. They had almost tracked you down so you're lucky I'm here to save you."

"I don't need saving! I have an army right here and even if they weren't good enough I still have my best friend. I bet you she's stronger than 10 men!" Enoch almost shouted this.

"Is that so?" Miss Jay cocked up an eyebrow, "May I know her name?"

"No you may not! I don't want her to get kidnapped as well!"

"Ah I see. Now you are causing some problems at the moment Mr O'Connor. I don't think you understand the importance of my visit."

"Yes I do! I understand that you will leave this house at once!"



"This is very r-"


"Enoch?" Sophia, " Father says dinner's ready!"

"I'll be back." Miss Jay looked stern.

"No you won't," Enoch replied. And with that Miss Jay turned into a bird and flew through the single open window.

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