Part 2 (Villains)

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So they all decided they needed to become villains. They went after different heros.

Karma would take heros, torture them, and kill them. Nobody knew what his quirk was, all they knew was that he had red hair and they knew who he killed. After he killed a hero, he wrote killer, murderer, monster, etc... on them with their blood. That's how they knew it was him. They call him The Red Reaper.

Nagisa would corner the heros and make it quick. He stabs people where he stabbed Korosensei. When people found the bodies of the heros he's killed, they can feel his bloodlust which sends shivers down their spine. They knew that it was him by this. They didn't know his quirk or what he looked like at all, just that he was extremely dangerous. They call call him Chimamire.

Rio would make a hero go crazy. Like they were seeing things. She would show her victims what they made them do and then replace koro sensei with someone they loved. Then she would kill them.  The way others knew it was her was because she would dress them funny afterwards and then leave the body for everyone to see. Nobody knew her quirk or who she was. They just thought it was somebody who had a sick sense
of humor. People call her The Deadly Stylist.

Hayami would follow her "pray" around for a couple days to know their daily routines. When they are all alone, she uses her quirk to hold them against the wall. She shoots all over them with a bow and arrow to keep them up on the wall. Then she takes a real gun and shoots them in the heart. People have a theory that she uses her quirk to hold them against the wall, but they don't exactly know what it is and they don't what she looks like. They call her
The Bow and Arrow Killer, Bow for short.

Chiba uses his quirk to find any heros in the area and to see if there will be any witnesses. He kills them with a sniper and then leaves a bullet next to the dead hero as his signature. They don't know his quirk or what he looks like. They only know that he is most likely introverted by the way kills. They call him The Sniper.

A/N: ok so... I know the names suck but I'm not that creative so just deal with it 😌. Also sorry I know I'm doing a lot of explaining, I'm just trying to make you guys understand it more so I'll try to stop.


They all became one of the top villains in a few weeks, but nobody knew they were together.


It has been pretty fun lately, but it would be so much better if we did it together. "C'mon guys, why can't we do it together. It will be so much fun!" I say as karma starts thinking about it. "I mean, I don't see why not. I would like to see their reactions when they find out some of the most dangerous villains are with each other." Chiba and Hayami both just nod. "Okay.  Let's do it!" Nagisa says with a determined look. I start squealing with excitement, "thank you!!"

Karma smirks and says, "Ok so, here's the plan. Chiba, you'll look out making sure nobody else is around." He nods "We'll hang them up with Hayami's arrows", she gets her arrows ready, "Rio, you'll dress him up." I smirk and giggle a little, "Nagisa, you'll be the one to kill them so they can sense your bloodlust" he smiles and nods. "Chiba, you'll leave a bullet next to them and then with their blood I'll write the heros a message instead of what I normally do." We all nod and get prepared. "We will leave in thirty minutes," Nagisa said.

We all get into our outfits and get masks incase somebody sees our face.


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