Part 3 (Joined)

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As we start to walk away, we see a purple mist suddenly appear. A guy with blue, wavy hair, and hands all over him comes out of it.

We all get ready to attack him and he says, "Geez calm down, we aren't going to hurt you, we just want to talk." "So then talk" hayami says not trusting him. "Look I already know all about you guys, I have been watching you for quite a while." Then Rio replies with "fan behavior".

The blue haired man says, "Mine name is Tomura Shigaraki and I am the leader of the League of Villains. I want all of you to join."

Nagisa looks at him and smiles, "Sure! We'll join your league!" I look at him confused "Wait a second" I say as I activate my quirk "Why do you want us in your league so badly?" He replies and says, "We need some younger members to go undercover in UA. It is important in our plan to kill All Might." He was telling the truth.

"Well you could've just said so in the first place." I look at the others "he's not lying, I say we join." Chiba says, "Okay, I do too." Rio asks "Is their any hot guys in the leag..." Hayami slaps Rio softly giving her a look that says cut it out "Yes, we'll join. Sorry about her."

"Perfect! This is Kurogiri" the purple mist waves at us and says "Pleasure to meet you all." Follow me through the portal" Shigaraki says. "Whatever you say handjob." He glares at me. I guess he didn't want me to call him that... oh well.


We go into the bar and see a few people in there. There was a blond girl who looks about the same age as us sitting on the couch playing with knives as she talks with another guy. He is in a grayish blackish suit that covers his whole body and face. Then their is another guy who has black spiky hair and purple scars with staples all over him sitting at the bar drinking a bottle of alcohol.

"Sensei, they have joined the league." Shigaraki says looking at a TV. The TV says "perfect, fill them in on everything." So they have a talking TV.

The hand man replies with "Yessir." He looks at us and points to the blonde haired girl "that's Himiko Toga." She waves and says, "Hiii, you guys are cute. Can I take your blood!" She says excitedly. "YES! why can't you guys be more like this." Rio says. "Great. Looks like you guys are going to get along."

Shigaraki says then points to the other guy on the couch "That right there, is twice." Hey waves and says, "it's nice to meet you all. I wish I never met you." Shigaraki sighs "you'll get used to it... eventually."

Then he points to the guy sitting it the bar "and that's Dabi. The rest are out doing who knows what." Dabi holds his hand up and says "hey." 

"Ok so as I already said, you will be going to UA undercover. Find out more about everyone's quirks. All Might is going to become a teacher so keep an extra eye out for him. You will also find information on when it is good to attack." We all nod.

"Sound easy enough," I say smirking. "Now that we have that covered. The entry exams are tomorrow so good luck with that."




We get there and all walk in together. We see two kids arguing. One has blonde hair and reminds me of Terasaka. The other one is just a goody two shoes who is doing this robot chopping thing. They are going to be so much fun to play with. I look at Rio and we both smirk. She's thinking the same thing as me.

Hayami and Chiba just take their seats and talk to eachother. Nagisa catches on and knows what me and Rio are going to do. He just shrugs because he is used to it already.

I accidentally bump into them. The blonde yells "OI WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!" The other one says, "That is no way to talk to a fellow student. But please remember to be carefu..." I interrupt him and say "Well none of this would have happened if you weren't in my way."

Bakugou yells "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO! YOU BASTARD!" "Oh wow, you really need to calm down. You look like an angry pomeranian."

The guy with glasses looks at me and says, "That is very disrespectful. Go and apologize now"while doing his weird chopping thing. Rio giggles and says "Since when are you the boss around here. Why should any of us listen to you, huh?"

Me and Rio both smirk. Nagisa walks up to us and says, "Seriously, you guys couldn't last one minute without picking on someone." I look at Nagisa and say, "I think you know the answer to that one."

A girl with a round face asked us "Wait, you three know each other." I respond saying "five actually"pointing to Hayami and Chiba "we all were in the same class." "Wow five students from the same class all got into class 1A! That must have been one heck of a class." Said a blond hair boy with a lighting built in his hair. "You have no idea" Nagisa said.

Then a pink girl screamed "OMG I SAW YOU ON THE NEWS! You guys are famous! You are the students of that weird alien creature."

Any time someone insults are teacher that way, they normally end up dead, but we are undercover so that can't happen. I feel Nagisa's bloodlust and try to calm him. I put my fingers on his neck feeling his pulse start to slow down.

He looks at me and mouths "thank you" I smile back at him. We all glare at the pink girl and I say "yeah that was us..." I hear people whisper all around the room saying things like no way, they are so brave, how are they all strong after that, weirdos, that's crazy, and more.

"Look, just because you whisper something doesn't mean we can't hear it and we aren't dumb or stupid, we know when your talking about us." I turn my head to a group of people who were obviously talking about us. I give them a death stare that sent shivers down their spine.

Then the teacher comes in to get class started.

If you are reading this, thank you!!! (1119 words) published January 27, 2021

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