𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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Chapter Eight

     Mara pulled up to the house that was on the right side of the street

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Mara pulled up to the house that was on the right side of the street. She checked her car gps to make sure she had the right place and she did. Putting her car into park she pulled out her phone and texted Aisha telling her she was out front. A few moments later the girl had come out wearing black sweatpants and a gray t-shirt. Mara smiled as the girl hopped into the car. The brunette had just wore a long tank top with leggings.

They were heading to Miguel's dojo to join. Miguel had texted her saying they had re-opened so she immediately texted Aisha telling her that they could go the next day.

When Mara's jeep pulled into the parking lot of the small strip-mall in Reseda she was confused to see it was pretty much empty. The two girls exited the car and walked up to the front door of the dojo. Mara opened the door for Aisha and the small bell on top jingled. They walked in looking around the dojo.

"No yoga till five. No matter how bad you need it."

"Um, we're actually here for karate," Aisha explained to the blond man who both girls could assume was Miguel's sensei. "We saw your website. It said there was supposed to be a session today."

"I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai."

Mara furrowed her eyebrows. "Why not?"

"Same reason there aren't women in the Army. Doesn't make sense."

     Miguel stepped in and pulled his sensei back muttering something to him. The two walked into a room in the back, which Mara could assume was his office, and closed the door.

     Mara turned to Aisha who was looking at the floor and playing with her fingers. "Hey, this will be good. Sure he's a little sexist." Aisha gave her a look. "Ok, so he's more than a little sexist. But he seems tough and that's what we need. Someone who will be tough on us and make us stronger."

     Aisha nodded. "I guess your right."

     Mara laughed and flipped her ponytail behind her back dramatically. "I'm always right."

     "Ok, take off your shoes. Hop on the mat." Sensei instructed them as he and Miguel came out of his office.

     The girls immediately did as they were told and hopped on the mat and stood in front of Miguel's sensei.

     "Ok, after further review, I've decided to allow female students. But if you wanna be in Cobra Kai, you can't act like a girl."

     "What do you mean? How do girls act?" Aisha was starting to get fed up with this man.

     "Don't give me that. You know, all emotional, loud, complainy. Never letting you finish a sentence." Mara looked down realizing how many of those categories she fit into.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 ⎯ 𝐂𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐢¹Where stories live. Discover now