ReaperBerry: 'Welcome.'

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Swaps POV:

I felt weak. Numb. No words could truly describe the pain I felt as I sulked in my room. He was gone. And there was nothing I could do about it. So, what did I do? I cried. I cried like a baby. I cried for hours until my soul felt like it could split in two. I cried until my head was throbbing in pain. I cried until I couldn't breathe and Dream had to give me that stupid pill.

I hate Dream. He always forces me to do things I don't want to. He's also a terrible friend. He forces these pills down my throat so much, sometimes I just rely on them. He does it when I get scared. Or when I get sad and cry. He says it'll help my breathing problem, despite me not really being able to. And then there's Ink.

Ink hates me. He hates when I cry because it distracts him. He hates when Dream gives me attention. He hates when I take the pills because it makes me 'no fun'. He hates the fact that I have a brother who loves me. Well, had should be a better word. He's gone now.

As I lay on my side, I think about what it would be like if I never walked in. If I never seen him get impaled. If I'd never seen the look on his face as his life was ended. It makes me think about the time I first found Death. The one who took him away from me.

It was a very peaceful day, as I remember. Papyrus was mad that I was out so late but couldn't blame me because I was lost. So, I cried. I cried a lot that day. Well, that's because that day was today. I soon found my way home but something about my home seemed off. No one was outside. No one was at Muffet's. Not even Muffet herself was there. Not even that cute little flower was there. The human was no where to be seen either. Everything was quiet and blank. It was scary.

The scariest part was going home. I almost couldn't bring myself to do it, but now I wish I didn't do it. I wish I didn't walk through that wooden door. I wish I didn't walk up those old, creaky stairs. I wish I didn't follow the dirty, footprint stained carpet to his room. I wish I hadn't opened the door out of curiosity. I wish we hadn't made eye contact.

The only thing I felt then was fear as I ran into the room, crying. I didn't want to ever see how broken his soul was. I never wanted to say those words I did. I never wanted him to tell me 'It's alright' and 'you're safe now'. He told me those words like they'd make me feel better. He said those things like what just happened didn't even matter. He told me he'd stop by later to check on me. He hasn't, and I wish he won't. I wish Ink will tell him I'm dead. Tell him I fell off a cliff and died. Tell him I impaled myself with a kitchen knife when I got home. Tell him I overdosed on those idiotic pills. Tell him I hate him.

A knock on the door. I looked back to see him. I felt my blood boil as I seen him smile. I felt everything in my body build with rage and guilt. The only thing I could do was cry and run into his arms and let him tell me it's okay. He wouldn't let me into his arms, he would just stand there and watch me cry in the floor. He kept telling me everything was fine and I should be happy I'm not hurt. Truth is, I felt like dying. I felt like I couldn't breathe again. I felt my body go limp as I gasped for breathe through tears. I heard footsteps, then someone screaming at me. Then everything just.. went away. I felt.. safe.

I opened my eyes to see him. He was hugging.. me. I felt myself erode. I cried. He told me everything was okay. This time, I believed him. I could hear people screaming, I could hear Ink screaming specifically. He was screaming something like, 'Death' then everything went quiet before I could hear him say 'He's dying'. I didn't feel much pain, it felt like a normal hug. I knew what death felt like. But I didn't know what Death felt like. I soon found myself hugging him back. I still cried. Then I heard Dream and Ink go quiet.

Everything was so silent now. I opened my eyes. Everything was lighter now. And a seen a pretty lady. She looked like Toriel, but different. Beside her stood him. He smiled.

'Does it hurt anymore?'

I shook my head.

'Do you know where you are?'

I shook my head again. He smiled and held out his hand. It had flowers in it. The flowers I loved. I looked at him. Then I looked at the lady that look like Toriel. I then seen something I hadn't noticed before. I saw...


He smiled at me. I felt safe as I ran into his arms. He felt warm. He didn't smell of smoke. He smelt of vanilla and roses. Everything felt safe again. I felt like I was flying. I felt.. Alive.

'Welcome to Heaven, my child..' The pretty lady that looked like Toriel said.

'Thank you.' Was all I could think of.

Not to bad, not to bad. There is ur angsty fluff MiaCliona

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