Poth:My Hero.

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3rd Person POV:

Palette screamed bloody murder at Cray, getting a smirk in return. Crays plan has worked - to make Palette a monster, drive him mentally insane. Tears poured out of the smallers eyes in anger. Cray had enough of this, causing him to move forward.

Palette didn't stop. He continued to yell what sounded as gibberish to Cray. Soon Palette started thrashing his hands like a toddler. Cray got closer to him by the second.

"W-What are you doing.?" Palette finally asked as Cray was centimeters away from him.

"Remember what I said, correct?" Cray said, pushing Palette to the wall.

"Y-You said a lot of things." Palette said, shaking violently, instantly regretting raising his voice at Cray.

The flashbacks of what Cray has done came back to him.

Cray held Palette by his neck, applying more pressure cause a wave of pain to flow over Palettes body.

Palette screeched. It came out silent, like he just opened his mouth. He grabbed Crays hands attempting to pry them off him. Cray laughed at his attempt, adding more pressure sending more pain throughout Palettes whole body.

Cray scoffed, banging Palettes skull against the wall, teleporting away. Palette fell to the floor, his body limp from pain. His head throbbed as it bled from the back. He bit his bottom 'lip' to hold back tears as he struggled to get up. He used the wall as a crutch and limped his way back to his father's house.

~20 long minutes later~

Palette opened the front door, revealing busted lights, shattered window glass trashing the floor of living room. He prayed his parents weren't home to see this mess. Error would only blame him for this.

"I gotta clean this up.." He muttered.

Technically, it was his fault that the house was trashed. That was another story, right now he needed to get cleaned up.

He made his way upstairs and into the bathroom.

~After cleaning the wounds~ (This reminds me of how lazy I am- It makes no sense)

Palette swept the glass into a dustpan, trying to forget the pain with music from Paperjams playlist.

Time skip a month later (current time)

Goth stopped running to catch his breath. 'Where in the world am I supposed to find Palette?!' He thought. He shook off the question before getting back up. 'Might as well ask around.'

Goth started asking young ladies and kids if they had seen anyone run past in wearing a soft blue shirt.

He was about to give up, before seeing him. He balled his fist, feeling the urge to beat the living shit our of him. Goth ran up to him, tackling him to the ground.


"Tell me where the fuck he is. NOW!" Goth shouted, grabbing the attention of pass bys.

"What do you mean?!" The one beneath him screamed.

"You know good as well what I mean," Goth summoned his Blasters around the two, "Tell me where Palette is, bastard!" He finished.

"..." It went silent.

Goth looked at everyone around him, his sockets going small. The people were horrified.

"Get off." The other said.

"Only if you tell me where he. IS!" Goth muttered.

The other one explained that he isn't who Goth thought he was and Goth apologized as many times as it took for the other to say it was okay. He told Goth that he had in fact seen Palette hurry pasting the direction of Hazel Tree 3rd Avenue.

Goth teleported after apologizing one more time to go look for him.

~With Palette~

Palette took off his shoes, leaving them beside the trim of the roof.

He smiled, tears rolling down his cheekbones, "Now, I will be free!" He cried.

He stepped up looking down, emotions rushing all through his body. They hit his soul hard, making his smile grow wider. He was just about to jump before feeling someone grip his wrist.

He let out a small gasp before freaking out, trying to pull away. He turned around only to meet eye to eye with Goth, who was in tears.

"P-Palette, what are you doing?" Goth stuttered through tears.

"Why are you here?!" Palette yelled in fear.

"A better question," Goth pulled Palette away from the edge, "Why are YOU here?!" He stated.

Palette looked away.


"Let me go.. Let me be free from this pain!" Palette wailed.

"Palette no! What happened to you?? You used to be so cheerful and happy.."

"I- .. Cray. He.." Palette shuddered, more tears pouring from his sockets as he shook violently.

"Hey.. It is okay.." Goth wrapped his arms around Palette in a hug, "You're safe now."

"I- I am sorry! I didn't want to do this! I let him get into my head and now I can't get him out!" Palette whined.

Goth waited for him to explain. Palette didn't, he just stood there, shaking and crying. He looked like a mess.

"I want to go home.." Palette murmured.

Goth hummed as in alright and teleported.


This chapter is messed up but I think it is okay- Eh- I could do better but here is part two. The LAST part unless y'all want a part three- Requested by ScacitytheSkeleton tee hee Edit: There were so many spelling mistakes and bad phrases and punctuation in this I couldn't stand it. I may remake this chapter, I dunno-

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