Her Pet:Past has Pass

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Tzuyu POV

I- still don't know how to react because of the sudden confession...So,she did fell in love before..

"It was the darkest memories I have experienced..."
Sana voices started to crack and I don't know what should I do.

"Once time again,I really don't know how to fell in love until,my ex,Suho come to our school...With his innocent smile,and a good student,he quiet famous in our school..But,there's one things a lot of people jealous about me..He treat me better than any kind of girl in our school..So,I was fluttered that time...Until one day,he confessed that he like me and asked me to dated him...That was the first time,I fell in love..But..." Sana started crying and I really wondering what's happen behind all of these tears.

"But....One day,after 2 months we dating,I got a phone call from him...He said,he wanna give me a present..And yeah I was excited so much and without hesitation,I accept to come to his house at the evening without even telling my Dad the truth..I lied to my Dad that I hang out with my friend." Sana then take a deep breath before continue.

"As I arrived at the his home,he already gave me the address before I came...You know,his house kindda near the forest and it's kindda creepy..As I enter the house,a fresh blood can be smell all around the house..I cover my nose and suddenly Suho came out..And he look so different...The smile that he gave me that time,was not the same as when we first dating."

[Flashback To Sana past]

Sana POV

"Ohh..You finally come!!Came in!!" Suho give me a really creepy smile that I ever seen..This is not Suho..
But I shrugged that all out of my mind..As I going to the living room,the blood scent getting strong and I really can't handle it anymore.

"As what I said,I'm going to give you a present!" Suho said and I was wondering while sitting on the couch...What is he going to give me... "Here is it." He then throw the table front of me and lifted my chin up.

"Would you like,to see,my experiment darling?" He asked me and I really scared this time!!Because it was all so sudden. "U-uhm..I- I think next time.." I said and he sigh deeply. "How can you refuse me?" He give me a death looking and I wave my hand panicked..

"No no no!!I mean- I want but maybe later.." I stutter and he suddenly lean his face close to me.. "How dare you refusing your own boyfriend." He said and I gulp because I'm so scared.

"O-okay.." I said and he then grab my hand and bring me go downstairs in their house basement...This name,I got so dizzy because of the temperature in this basement with a fresh blood smells...As I walk in,he close the door and lock it then ask me to go further.

Then there..........I saw something.......I don't really want to see for my entire life......A dead body of his parents that was got cut into a pieces.... "This is for you!" Suho laughing maniac while I was freezing there without doing anything..

"H-how can you kill them?" I said as my voices start to cracks.

"Huh??I didn't kill them...I just borrowing their body for experiment...Now....Can I use yours baby?" Suho smirk and I back off as he walk closer to me...Yeah..My boyfriend secretly....A Psychopath!!!

"Ho-how dare you!" I said and start running away but he chase me and I can't run any further because he locked the door...Am I going to die here??Is this the End for my life?

I think so....

He hit my neck and I collapse then turn to black...

As I opened my eyes,I was sitting on the chair being tied so tight and can't even move...I wanna screaming for help but my mouth got wrapped by a tape..It's so hard to moving and I become more dizzy as he turn on the light on me.

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