(FemVader!FemJediRemnant) Accepting Destiny part 2

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"I am one with the force and the force is with me..."

"I am one with the force and the force is with me..."

These were the words that resonated within your mind as you walked the tunnels of the hidden rebel base, the rebels carrying crates of supplies, weapons and data stores.

You could sense the enemy all around you, they grow closer by the second as you look around, your head on a swivel.

The tunnel shakes periodically, either there drilling through or there trying to bring the whole mountain down on you.

At the nexus of the base the leadership barks orders to the numbers of rebel fighters to pack up and evacuate as technicians work comms, putting out distress signals to nearby rebel cells.

Soldiers sit on guard looking down the various pathways of the tunnels, blasters shaking in there hands as the tension is palpable.

At some point a aqaulish handed you a blaster for defense, frankly your more likely to shoot yourself then an imp.

You had a very peculiar upbringing by Jedi standards but your skill set never included blaster training.

But here you sat, among rebels surrounded by the empire and with an inhuman abomination waiting just outside.

After an especially harsh rumbling further down the hall you hear the crumbling of your sense of security and the footfalls of your certain doom.

All noise was soaked out of the room, even the bravest rebel warrior was dead silent as the steady foot fall and mechanical respiration echos throughout the tunnels.

Several rebels creep back towards the tunnels hoping to escape the imminent bloodshed.

Perhaps they were wiser then most, it's only then that from the shadows of the tunnel a red light reveals itself.

"OPEN FIRE!!!" Blaster fire sounds off filling the nexus, the black hand of the sith advanced, never slowing, never stopping.

A slowly advancing inevitability blocking blaster fire with measured precision that could only come from decades of practice of the saber.

She advances slowly but surely as she boxes you in, the blocking of blasters only broken up by ruthless slashes of her blade as she cuts down swathes of rebel forces.

You fire off as many shots as you can hoping to by some will of the force to land a hit anywhere on her.

Each step the aura of terror draws nearer and nearer still as you frantically open fire.

She raises her hand and several rebels in front of you are lifted into the air, clutching at there throats before falling slack only to be dropped to the floor and discarded like trash.

At this time dozens are left dead in her wake and her mere feet from you, you fire one last time only to have her blade fall down into barrel of the blaster slicing it clean in half.

You feel an unseen hand on your throat lifting you up into the air, your back pressing into the paneled walls of the bunker.

In a moment of desperation you channel the force and out from within your cloak, you feel the weighted handle of your saber fill your hand.

You raise it and ignite the blade the color of orange sparks fill your vision for a second as red and yellow clash in a stalemate.

Your vision grown blurry and your head swims as you fight to stay conscious, your windpipe nearly broken.

The sound of a blaster sounds out and you hear a pained groan as you are suddenly released her focus turning towards her attacker.

"N.... now you stay away from her you hear? She's a damn delivery girl....." it was Tre'Shek, her hands shook and she back away slowly.

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