(WonderWoman!ConfusedFemReader) Wonderful Woman part 1

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It all started when you first joined the league, you were a new recruit but you had the flash himself vouch for you at the door.

Your a meta human more specifically a speedster, someone who can run at the speed of light.

You started out small in Keystone and slowly mainly small things like returning money stollen from bank heists while he money was getting loaded into the escape car.

Occasionally running past someone and pushing past them to knock them off there feet.

It's not because you were cowardly or anything like, Your faster then anyone in the city it's just that...

You just didn't know how to fight, you could hardly throw a punch much less one that should stagger some of the huge bastards that you usually bump into on the job.

you were known as Rush mainly cause uh.... well... um.. yeah...

Even though you didn't really think you belonged apparently Berry really really did, even gave you that nifty suit for better traction on the feet and less friction about every wear else.

It was finally time for the induction ceremony and the whole intro into this new life, new gear new, base and most of all teammates.

You never had those before....

You arrived at the hall of justice to find the flash some other new people and even some people you heard of before.

They were all standing on a large platform in the center of the main chamber of the hall of justice, you joined them on the platform and after a careful count of heads and then one of the workers on the platform go over to a panel and starts press buttons.

He told you all to stand by and wait for teleportation to the watch tower, the space station put into place by the justice league to combat outside threats and be the defensive position.

You closed my eyes as he counted down and everyone cheered excitedly as the lights on the floor of the platform start to glow as the platform rumbles ever so slightly and the next thing you knew your standing in the middle of watchtower all of you.

In font of you on a large stage are all the original hero's, Batman Superman and of course Wonder Woman.

You found yourself blushing ever so slight as you watch her up on that stage standing amongst some of most powerful people on the planet.

You'd been an admirer of the Amazonian princess sense you were a little girl, she was so strong and confident, it was hard not to see her strengths, but now she's here in person it's just... unreal.

She had a calm smile on her face as she looked over the small crowd and that smile shifted ever so slightly when she made eye contact with you.

You blush softly but you really don't know why, it's not like you like her THAT way or anything.

She was just like your hero, you've always idealized her for her strength and courage... your really happy to be working with her now...

Superman gave a pleasant speech about the responsibilities that come with being a member of the league but you just couldn't take your eyes off her.

After a little bit each original member steps forwards looking amongst you new members slowly, accessing our builds and powers each going down to greet one or two of you apparently there picking people to mentor and train to enhance there abilities.

you were sitting a little bit away from the others, arms crossed feeling a little out of place when Wonder Woman herself walks over to you with a small smile on her face.

"Hello there" she says kindly as she slowly lets her eyes roam your body, you don't have muscles but your certainly fit from the constant running.

"Hm.... you most certainly have potential.... your profile says your like Barry?" She says raising an eyebrow at you as she starts to circle you slowly, sizing you up.

"Y... yes ma'm.... I'm not the strongest but I can run...." You say shyly in the presence of this Amazonian goddess.

She seems to pick up on your nerves and she smirks softly. "No need to be so formal, you may call me Diana" she says making you nod in response. "Well then you can call me (Y/N) then.."

"Hm... ok... if you'll have me I'd be happy to mentor you in any way you need" it takes you about a second to answer with a resounding yes bringing a brighter smile to her face.

"But be warned I will not rest until you have reached your full potential even if that means cutting out unneeded distractions" she says firmly yet still with a warm smile on her face as she looks at you.

You nod shyly as you lookup at her, she's quite a bit taller then most of the men here let alone you, her muscles are toned and ever so slightly exposed which you can't help but admire.

She turns around and starts to walk down on of the many halls of the space station and turns to look at you a with a raised eyebrow "well? What are you waiting for?"

You jog lightly over to her to catch up before slowing down to calmly walk with her down the halls.

She points out essential parts of the base like the cafeteria, the medical center on board the station, the training room and even the dormitories.

Apparently due to Diana's particular training style she's recommended you bunk with her for now so she can teach you constantly.

She gives you some time to unpack and settle in before getting back to work, you set up your lap top and personal items in your bedroom, luckily There's enough room for it all even with her things there.

After a little bit you finish and you continue the tour around the base.

At the end of the day you come back to your room and settle in for the night and that night you were making myself a sandwich when she comes out of her room rubbing her eyes wearing nothing but a giant T shirt that acts like a sleep gown....

This is gonna be tough...

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