(AhsokaTano!FemCloneOC) Yes General part 3 [LEMON]

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Making our way through the woods we hear the sounds of battle far ahead, blasters firing and explosions going off.

We speed it up running through the forest the noise only growing larger as we move.

"Keep moving I can hear them!" The general shouts as she uses the force to take her sabers igniting then as we breach the tree line.

I nearly drop my weapon as we look over the chaos, the 104th or at least what's left of them in the center of the large battlefield using there destroyed drop ships as cover.

We rush over fueled by adrenaline diving behind cover narrowly dodging blaster fire.

"Glad to see you made it young Soka" General Plo said calmly despite the situation.

"Where's the rest of your men?" He asked to which the general looked away a pained expression on her face.

"We lost them sir.... they fought bravely" I said knowing she didn't have the heart to say it.

"Your a peculiar one..." Plo said doing a once over of my custom armor.

"What's the situation?" She asked.

"We're surrounded on all sides and the drop ship won't be here any time soon" Plo said looking around the corner of the already exploded LAAT that brought them here in the first place only to snap his head back as a few blaster bolts hits the transport.

I raise my weapon around the vehicle and fire blindly knowing I'll hit something in the dense wall of droids that makes its way closer.

"Fire the rockets!" Orders Plo as he jumps into the gap between the downed transports blocking blaster fire while a clone grabs a launcher and runs in behind him lining up a shot.

A shot wether guided by skill luck or something sinister, makes it way through the defense of Plo hitting the trooper in the head making him fall back dropping the cannon.

"Trooper line up the shot! I'll cover you!" Said my general rushing to Plos side adding to the defensive barrier as I run in behind them both taking the launcher and lining up the shot.

Breathing in deep and squeeze the trigger as the rocket fires from the barrel twisting and rolling in the wind as it propels itself at the enemy.

The rocket touches down and explodes sending the droids in all directions dealing a serious blow to there forces sending them staggering.

The droids that weren't destroyed were sent flying from the shock wave, sensing a moment of opportunity general Plo orders the preparation of some kind of bomb and tells everyone to prepare to take off.

Two clones run over to what looks like a makeshift bomb built from ship parts just in case the reinforcements wouldn't be enough.

The clones set the timer and say we're ready and Plo Koon and Ahsoka lead the charge as we run out of cover towards the badly crippled legion of droids many of which already stunned or destroyed.

The Jedi cover our left and right flanks as the clones rush forwards blasting any droids we find as the clock ticks at the outpost which many of the droids still pushed towards unaware of the trap.

We lose a few unlucky clones on our way out of the battlefield but most of us are covered by the Jedi.

Once on the horizon we hear a loud explosion as our trap triggers most certainly killing off a few droids at least and most certainly buying us time.

We see the extraction LAAT ships fly over us up ahead making us move faster and we get up a hill and see them slowly land.

We run over quickly and hop in as the droids slowly come up the cliff, the Jedi sit at the doors blocking as the troops fire from behind.

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