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Liked by Jazzy_jones, Gigihadid, Rafaelcasal and 689,589 othersTagged: Jazzy_Jones

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Liked by Jazzy_jones, Gigihadid, Rafaelcasal and 689,589 others
Tagged: Jazzy_Jones

Arabella.melani: Hangin with the bae ✌️
View all 500k comments

Username1: Wait a sec-


Username2: Kinda weird to say that I never expected this...

Username3: Yesss!!!

Daveeddiggs: Finally. I was sick of seeing you two making googly eyes at each other 🙄

Jazzy_Jones: Daveeddiggs That was literally you and Y/n I-

Username7: I'm really happy for them but I didn't know Jazzy was yk

Jazzy_jones: love you!!

Gigihadid: Oh so this is Jasmine, she's so pretty!!

Anthonyramosofficial: I bet Lin is gonna make a ship name in the next few hours...


I guess this was the time people start confessing? I randomly put Gigi in there because she's a model and Bella is a fashion designer so why not? 🤷‍♀️

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