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Hamilton Vlog- published April 16 2015

The video started off with Talia placing her camera in a sturdy place.

"Hey guys!" She said talking to the camera.

"Today you are going to spend the day with me because Lin wanted me to post something. It is Wednesday so we have a show today and it is currently", she paused to look at her watch "6:30 in the morning so I have about an hour before I need to leave."

   "I already got ready and ate before this so I think I'm going to leave early so I can maybe go see my sisters and my mom while she's still in town."

   The clip now showed Talia grabbing her keys and heading to her car.


   The video skipped to Talia knocking on your apartment door and Maddie opening it up.

   "Talia! I didn't know you were stopping by!" Maddie said pulling her sister inside and closing the door.

   "Neither did I. Say hi to the camera." Lia said now moving the camera in front of  Maddie's face as she waved to the camera.


   Y/n finally came out of Maddie's room fully dressed. Talia was confused at first then she remembered mom is staying in Y/n's room.

    "Hi." Y/n said cheerfully to the girls and the camera just noticing it was there.

   "And there's Y/n" Talia said now moving the camera in Y/n's face.

    Hello she waved at the camera.


   Talia left the apartment and made it to the theatre just now.

   It was 8:34 am and once again Hamilton started at 9:30 except today was a one show day.

"Hello. I'm here!" Talia yelled out earning a lot of hellos and good mornings from cast mates.

Pippa was out for the day so Talia would be taking her place.


She finally arrived at her dressing room and since Phillipa was out she had it all to herself.

The video showed her getting ready in 3x speed. (minus the changing)

After 1 minute of taking to the camera explaining what's going to happen Daveed knocks on her door.

"Come in!" She said to him.

He entered the room and sat down on the couch playing with his fingers a little.

"So I want to get something for Y/n but I don't really know what to get" he said.

Talia thought it was cute that he was thinking about her and him asking her sister on what to get her.

"I mean you are her sister so do you have an idea of what to get her?"

After that Talia turned the video off.

   "So we are finished for the day so it's almost time to say goodbye."

   "I just wanted to say thank you for watching and love you!" Talia said as she blew a kiss to the camera


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Y/n and Daveed being cuties for 10 minutes straight

Lmao I tried

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