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July 6th 2015

   Today was the day Lin, Phillipa and Leslie would be leaving Hamilton. It was an emotional day for the cast but they were happy to work with new people.

   Y/n and Maddie decided they would go to the show today along with Carolina and Arabella.


It was now 6 in the morning. Maddie and I decided that Arabella and Carolina would be coming with us to Hamilton.

   Daveed would be coming over to pick me up at 7:30 and we would walk to the theater.

In the meantime I got ready and did my hair. My hair was (your hair type) so it took (longer/shorter) to do.

It was now 7:30 and Daveed would be here at any second.

Knock knock

   I got up from my spot on the couch and answered the door. There he gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

   I made sure I wasn't forgetting anything then we made our way to the theater.

—-Major Time Skip—-

   It was now time for the final bows. (Told you iy was big)

   Leslie and Pippa along with some ensemble members stepped up for their final bow. It took a while for Lin to finally come up for hit turn.

My eyes were filled with tears. Not of sadness but of Happiness. I was happy Lin got to achieve something this big even when others doubted him.

   The audience (including yourself) stood up and gave them a round of applause. Screams and whistles could be heard from the other use of the theater.

   After the show a few Hamilcast decided they would go back to Maddie and I's apartment.

Liked by Hamiltonpsycho, Y/n

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Liked by Hamiltonpsycho, Y/n.l/n, Daveeddiggs and 2,580,580 more

Hamiltonmusical: We are sad to say goodby to a few cast members and ensemble members but we are excited for new people to come in. Can't wait for you all to see how talented these people are! <3
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This was crappy but some people left Hamilton!

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