Real life

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Telling him

Today was the day Y/n is telling Daveed!

She wanted to surprise him with the ultrasound pictures so she set an appointment for later.

   It took her a while to make this decision because she wanted Daveed with her for the first one, but she also wanted this.

She invited Talia since she already had a kid and knows what's going to happen.

It was scheduled for 2 o'clock. It was now 11.

She had a hard time not slipping up and telling Daveed on the spot.

She started to think she should've scheduled it earlier.

   "Hey Y/n, you coming to Rafa's house?" Daveed asked.

   "Sorry, can't."

   "Why not?"

   "I'm going somewhere with Talia."

   "Ohh, maybe next time."


"Y/n L/n," the doctor called out. Both Y/n and Talia stood.

"Hi, follow me."


"So, Y/n. This is your first child, correct?"


"That's awesome. Are you in a relationship with the father?" She asked washing her hands.

"Mhm, we're engaged."

"Congratulations! Do you have a preference on what you want yet."

"Haha not yet."

   "This is your sister?"

   "Yeah, I'm Talia."

   "Ohh, you're Talia L/n! From Hamilton. Wasn't your doctor from this same office?"

   "Yep, that's me! And yeah my doctor did work here, his office is across the hall."


"Alrighty, there's your baby," she said to Y/n pointing to the screen.

   Y/n swore she could start crying right then and there but she held them in.

   Talia was holding her hand so she just squeezed it tighter.

   "I- wow."

   "Do you want pictures?"

   "Yes please."


"Daveeedddd," Y/n sung walking into their shared room.

"Y/nnnnnnn," Daveed said returning the same energy.

   "What's behind your back?" He questioned her tilting his head to the side.

"Wait one sec," she said climbing in bed right next to him. "Ok here you go," she said handing him the ultrasound pictures.

   It took him a second to process what was happening but when he did he had the hugest smile on his face. He immediately went and gave Y/n a hug.

"Are you joking?" Y/n shook her head rapidly she was laughing so much. Daveed once again gave her a huge hug.

   The rest of the day they spent doing (anything) and talking about the baby.

𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐒𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲, 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now