Real life

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Pregnancy Symptoms
1. Hunger

   It's been a few months since Talia and Y/n had that conversation. Y/n and Daveed have actually talked about it!

They decided they did want kids. It doesn't matter when.

   Arabella and Y/n were walking in the streets of California when they passed by a small bakery. There was a bold smell of fresh bread and pastries.

   The small made Y/n's stomach rumble. She quickly took Arabella's hand and pulled her into the shop.

   It was filled with donuts, breads, danishes and more. It was truly heaven.

   "I'm going to get something, you want anything?"
Y/n questioned her.

"No thanks. But- Y/n, we just ate!"

"And?" After that she told the store worker what she wanted. She ordered a baguette and and a cheese danish.

"I though you didn't like danishes," Arabella said as they walked outside the store.

"Yeah, but I wanted to try something new!"

2. Nausea

Y/n and Carolina were at the apartment.

Carolina was cooking when Y/n came into the kitchen with a weird look on her face.

"What's the smell?"

"Oh it's (your favorite food)!"

"Really, I doesn't smell like it. I feel like I could throw up right now."

"Oh- I'm sorry Y/n."

"No, no it's fine! I'm going to go out for a while. If Daveed comes back tell him I left."

3. Mood swings

   Y/n and Talia were the only ones at home right now.

   "Hey, Lia. Do you know where my cookies went?" Y/n asked in a cheerful voice.

   "Oh- I ate them," Talia whispered.

   Y/n's mood changes before you could count to two. It went from anger to sadness?

"Y/n! I didn't mean to I'm sorry!"

"No it's ok," she said wiping her tears then smiling. She then walked away like nothing happened.

'What the hell,' Talia whispered. She had an idea of what it might be but she wanted to make sure before saying something.

4. Changing body

   Y/n just bought this new dress. She was very excited to try it on.

   For some reason when she did the 'chest area' of the dress was much smaller than expected. She always wore the same size so what is this?

   Maybe she got the wrong one?

  She checked the tag and saw that is was her normal one.

   "Hey Y/- whoa," Arabella said wide eyes coming in the room.

   "Do I look fat?"

   "What? Of course not!"

   "Then why'd you say 'whoa'?"

   "It's ju- nothing. Jasmine and I are going out. Wanna come?"

   "No, I think I'm going to stay here."

   "Ok, see you later!"

5. Fatigue

"Anyone seen Y/n?" Jasmine questioned walking through the door.

   "No, she's been sleep for hours," Daveed responded.

   "What time did she go to sleep?" Anthony asked.

   "I don't know but it was early."

   That's when Y/n walked out of the room with Zelda in her hand. When she closed the door she put Zelda down.

   "Well look who's finally up!"

   "Yeah, yeah but not for long."

   She went to the kitchen to get a water then walked right back into the room locking it. She didn't know Zelda was right behind her and accidentally closed it on her.

   After the pup created lots of noise from scratching the door, she let her in, closing it once again.

   Anthony started to piece the puzzle together and asked Daveed, "How long had she been going to sleep that early?"

   "I don't know. Maybe a week or two. Why?"

   "Nothing," he would definitely be telling Talia about this.

6. Finding out

It was the same day.

When Anthony came home he was greeted by Talia playing with Koa. He was now one, aww.

"Hey Babe!"

"Hey Ant, what'd you do today?" She asked him looking up from the baby.

"I hung out with Daveed. I'm about to ask something that sounds a lil crazy."

"Ok... ask me."

"Do you think Daveed and Y/n are planning on having children?"

"You think that too? I've been noticing lots of changes with Y/n. I'm surprised she didn't say anything yet."

"Well, you should tell her what you think. Just in case."

"I'll ask her next time I see her."


   Talia and Y/n were at her and Anthony's house when Talia finally asked Y/n.

   "Do you think you're pregnant?"

   "Wha- no!"

   "Are you sure? You've changed, a lot."

   "I don't know. I haven't really been paying attention to that kind of stuff."

   "Do you want to take a test, just to make sure?"



"You look first!" Y/n exclaimed to Talia.

She wasn't sure what she wanted. She didn't know is she would be happy or not. Or course her and Daveed wanted children, but this soon?

"Ok, I'll do it," Talia said walking towards the two tests on the bathroom sink.

   Both had a plus sign on them which signaled positive.


   "Y/nnnn," Talia said in a song-like voice. She had a huge smile on her face.

   "Wha- OH MY GOSH!!" Y/n said when she finally looked at the tests.

   She was very happy.


"I DONT KNOW. And can we stop yelling, my throat hurts," she said rubbing her throat.

Knock knock

"Are y'all ok? I heard screaming."

"Can I let him in?" Tali's whispered to Y/n who just shook her head yes.

When Anthony came in he saw Y/n sitting cross crossed in the tub and Talia went to sit right next to her.

"Okayyy... can y'all tell me what happened?" Anthony asked sitting on the floor.

"I'm pregnant!"


"Thanks, Ant!"

"How are you gonna tell Daveed?"

"I don't know yet."

𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐒𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲, 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now