Moving Day and Awkward conversations

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Death not a thing I really fear I mean we all die at some point but when it comes to another I fear they will die hence why I don't get to personal with most people without a hesitance without regret I will risk my life for others so will I regret this decision on leaving Phoenix nope,

 because the warm hot sun kills me will I miss my hyper active mother yes her boyfriend not so much yeah he's a great guy but he always tries to make me play baseball with him when I really just want to stay inside and both him and mom want to go on the road so me and my older sister Bella are going to live with our dad for a while and this may or may not be a good thing they'll be alone me and Bell will be spending some time with dad who we haven't seen in a few years,

at least he doesn't make me play ball or go outside I cant really complain though Phil tries his best to get to know me same as everyone else.

in the state of Washington in a small town called forks is where we are now moving to with our dad Charlie he's the chief of police there the best thing about this place is that it constantly cover by clouds and rain the population of 3,120 people once we were off the plane our dad came and picked us up during the ride it was silent which I didn't care about it I had my headphone in most of the ride I have learned on when to know when someone is talking to you or not with them constantly playing and at full volume,

right now I'm listening to hate me nightcore version usually I'm listening to Scarlxrd or others but this was one that kind of just came on and I stick with it its sad and calming also the best thing about living with our dad is that there's a forest behind the house but knowing him he will forbid me for going since what happened last time me running through the forest and getting hurt but also encountering wolves big wolves which may I add were beautiful,

I see my dad try to start a conversation with Bella but it didn't really go good then he tried with me "you've gotten taller and your hairs darker" I just nod in response "he doesn't talk much anymore he mostly keeps to himself now a days" Bella says Charlie nods then looks back at me through the mirror with a little hint of worry in his face then we finally made it to the house after a while I get out and grabbed my bags and suitcase while our dad grabbed Bella's he showed her, her old room then me to mine 

"its a stable desk and the computer is new also the sales lady picked up the bed stuff its red you like red right" Charlie asked in a nervous tone 

"reds alright and thanks for getting the pc" I say in a low voice but just enough for him to hear 

he nods as he walked out and closed the door its great that he doesn't hover or take conversations into questioning and knows I like my doors shut I started to unpack all my other belongings when I hear a honk from outside I look out to see a truck and some dude in a wheelchair and a dude with long hair I decided to go and see along with Bella 

  "Bella, Luria you remember Billy Black" dad asked I just nod and Bella speaks 

"yeah wow you're looking good um Luria says hi" Bella says as he turns to see me next to her kind of 

"I'm still dancing I'm glad your both here now Charlie wouldn't shut up since you told him you both were coming" I smile lightly as dad looks kind of embarrassed by it not that they can see my smile since I have a mask on (kind of like Zane on Minecraft diaries)

"all right keep exaggerating Ill roll you in to the mud"

"not after I ram you in the ankle" I smile as I watch them become playfully 

"hi I'm Jacob" the boy said he looked around my age 

"hey um this is Luria my younger brother"

"yeah I remember him kind of um we used to make mud pies together"

I feel like he likes Bella but he looks at me well looked up since it seems I'm taller then him he tries to see past my hair but Bella then says 

"he doesn't talk much he usually only talks when he feels like it or when he likes someone"

Jacob nods then smiles and holds up his hand "hey as you may have heard I'm Jacob hope we can be friends" I shake his hand and nod "I'm Luria but call me Lu" I say quietly but loud enough for only him to hear and he jumps a little since my voice is really deep but not as deep as corpse husband only a little like half as deep as his.

then dad came saying this truck was Bella's home coming present she got happy then asked Jacob if he wanted a ride to school or something but he just said he had school on the reservation then Bella said that a bummer since it would have been nice to know someone at school for both me and her I stormed off because I felt my phone ringing I had a feeling I gave off a angry vibe but I knew this was Demetri calling my best friend for seven years since we went to school together.

  I answer my phone once I'm in my room with the door shut "HEY  LuLu Lu" I hear my over hyper friend say on the other end of the phone to say he has a more higher voice "hey Dem" I say I knew he shivered at the sound of my voice he had a crush on me for a while and hasn't confessed but I knew he did I just didn't like him like that though we talked for hours and played online games together until we fell asleep

Bella's pov  

me and Jacob talked until I see Shadow push off the truck harshly then storm away 

 " is he angry with me not being at the same school" Jacob asked 

"no he probably just got a call from someone or something" Jacob just nodded I look up at the window of my brothers room only to see him with out his mask and smiling and talking which kind of shocked me but I ignored it and talked with Jacob more

(then end of this chapter hope you liked it see ya in the next one)

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