Finding out and memories

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"What does it matter to you on who I'm with!"


Bells came around the corner asking if she could talk with Edward and he made it seem like we just bumped into each other then we went home after ward's

"Bells I don't trust that Edward guy he seem suspicious and weird"

Instead of talking with me she just left and went to her room I groan in frustration that she didn't even acknowledged me

The Next Morning

Bells class and mine were going somewhere together so we went the Cullens were coming as well then Jessica looked jealous while Mike tried to ask Bells to go to prom Bells started acting different and weird since we moved here though,

Once we got to the place Edward tried talking with her I pushed passed them which I knew got Edward pissed off

"Lu wait?!"

Bella yelled after me but I just went to where Eric and the others were I picked up a worm it reminded me of when I went to some old guys house he let me and a few other kids play in the sand box of his house him and his wife were kind, a girl and me found a worm and as a experiment we cut it into bits and pieces weird right,

Then Edward and Bella came out storming off

The next day

Me and Luna were talking I had my bangs out of my face and my mask off I smiled at Luna which Eric, Tyler, Mike, Jessica, Angela and the Cullens were shock Luna already seen me like this before Eric said something about La push Beach

"So you coming?"

"Sure I mean how bad can it be?"

Then we got there and Jacob was there he seem timid since I was there and the others seen that and his friends

"Uh hey Luria"

"To clear it up Jacob I only stormed off because my friend called"

He nodded

"You surfing?" He asked Bells

"Definitely not"

"Hey you should keep Bella company and Sha-"

"Who said I'm not surfing" I cut her off

"Uh just Bella then"

"Also Bella's date bailed on her"

"What date?" Eric asked

"She invited Edward"

"Just to be polite"

"I think it's nice she invited him, Nobody ever does"

"Yeah because Cullens a freak"

"You got that right"

I just groan I felt really angry today probably because I forgot to take my pills which calm my nerves

"I am done hearing Oh Cullens are this or Cullens are that can they be not the main topic for once?!" I yell

Everyone looks shocked even Bells I just stormed off to the place where I met Damon last time and there he was sitting there with... my pills

"So you got anger issues went and payed a little visit to your room"

"How did you?" I try to say then he popped up next to me

"I think you know how I got it and how I got these"

Once Damon said that I had a flash of memories of Vampires, wolves, witches, and other supernatural beings wait he's fast he heard me from a foot away he's

"Your a vampire"

"Ding ding ding Luria Swan gets it right don't get me wrong I loved our talks and dates but I can't really have you telling anyone now can I"

I got frightened so I tried to run off as I did he popped up in front of me

"Luria ah ah ah "

"Damon your a..."


He finished for me I just stood there thinking then spoke remembering something from my past

"So your a vampire but haven't hurt me and wait Damon.... you last name ain't Salvatore is it?"

I look up at him innocently

"How did you know"

Flash back

"Shad I want you to promise me that if there is a man with black hair and beautiful blue eyes you will run the other way"

"Why Nana"

"Because he is a monster who will hurt you once he finds out who you really are"

"Okay Nana why does my name have to be Luria now?"

"Because this kind lady is going to take care of you okay"

"Hi I'm Renèe I'm your momma"

End of flash back

"I have my ways Damon Salvatore~"

I say in a cheeky way and start walking away knowing what may happen as I see him get mad

"Luria you will tell me how do you know my name!"


Then he stopped and thought then he smirked

"Your names not Luria is it"

Then I stood shocked but recovered quickly

"So what if it really ain't Luria what you gonna do about it"


Then he came a bit my neck


I screamed feeling my blood being sucked away and the pain from his bite but then he's thrown off of me and I see my sister

"Bells get out of HERE!!"

Then the Cullens and some other dude


'Shit he found out my actual name'

I turn my head to see Damon looking at me with shock and then anger but he seemed broken in his eyes I stood up feeling really dizzy


I tried to call to her but I blacked out


I hear a male voice call out

(Yeet Got it out also the ending took place of when Bells found out Edward is a vampire hehehe anyway see ya in the next chapter)

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