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the black raven | THE MONEY



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■ mara ■

I come home from school, openening the front door and shutting it behind me. Quickly, I head upstairs and yell 'homework' from the top step. I shut the door to my room, put in my earbuds, and slowly start my homework. I have physical science, math, and history. I press play, and the music begins.

"...pay no attention to the lies they feed you... "

" ...the only way home ain't on this yellow brick highway..."

It so sudden, that I don't recognize what triggered it; I grip my pencil tightly, my knucles go white at the force, while I hear the slight crack of the wood.

Calm down.

My eyebrows relax, and so does the rest of my body. I take a deep breath, remembering a tip that my English teacher told us-- she loves meditation.

The pen is red. The binder is red. The notebook is red.

I let my eyes wander around the room to try and find two other objects that are red.

The blanket is red. The book is red.

There we go. Back to normal. And back to work, because this is all due tomorrow. Well, all homework is due the next day. That's why it's homework, I guess.

° 6:47 PM °

I head downstairs for dinner, and sit down across the table from my mother. She gives me a smile and we do the usual. Ask each other how our days were, ask about school, teachers, work, projects, etc.

Then, once I finish, she writes down what I said down to the very last detail. The time, my tone, my words, my pauses, all of it. I don't ask why. I know why. It's because she's lost it, hit rock bottom. She's practically borderline psychopath.

And I know that her psychopath is in me too; I've known since the night she disowned me. I've thought and deliberately considered murder. But I would never go through with it.

• 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 • the dark knight •Where stories live. Discover now