dressing room (sapnapxreader)

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TW----cheating in a relationship

"Hey, thanks for driving me here. I really would drive myself but my car is still in the shop," You shut the car door. "and Clay's just busy all the time..."

"No problem," Nick smiled and shut his door as well.

"Your boyfriend's gotta make that money somehow. Don't be too hard on him."

You both began walking to the entrance of the store.

"Yeah, no, I know. It's just he's been a little distant..." You sighed. "Sorry, you aren't here to listen to my relationship issues." You forced out a lighthearted chuckle adjusting your jean shorts and pulling them up by the waist as you walked side by side with Sapnap.

Nick stayed quiet.

"I just gotta pick something up," you said rubbing your nose.

Hopefully, what you were about to buy would fix those issues with Clay.

You stepped through the doors and both you and Nick pulled on your masks.

You looked up to read the signs dividing the different parts of the store.


Men's Apparel

Women's Apparel

You followed that sign. You were almost there when you realized Nick was still following close behind you.

"Oh I just gotta try something on really fast and then I'll come to find you," You said, turning to him.

"Okay, sounds good. I'll probably pick out some things to try on too," he giggled.

You watched him walk away and then turned back to the aisle you were in and walked down it. You were currently in the women's shirts.

You made your way all the way to the back of the store, passing a few screaming children and a group of teens chatting away, all on their own phones. When you finally got to the section you were looking for, you were relieved to immediately see exactly what you had been looking at earlier, online.

You reached out and plucked it off the shelf, checking the size. You smiled.


"How many?"

"Just one," you said to the fairly middle-aged lady in the unisex dressing room hallway.

She handed you a little yellow card with the number one on it and you smiled and walked further down the hallway until you found one without a yellow tag. In your haste, you forgot to put your number on the hook outside. You didn't even lock it, too excited to try on the lingerie.

Slipping it off the hanger, you slipped into the main body-piece and fastened the straps around your mid-thighs. The sheer black lace fabric hugged your skin and you slipped your arms through the shoulder straps, adjusting the lace around your breasts. You looked at yourself in the mirror.

Damn, that's hot.

You thought you might be making up in your mind. It fit you perfectly, hugging your every curve and dip. It definitely made you look better than you normally did. It had too. You were not this pretty.

It was almost embarrassing how sexy it was. You cringed at the thought of that word.

Then without warning, you heard the door open behind you, suddenly realizing you had forgotten to lock it. You turned around startled, not even thinking to cover yourself, captured in shock.

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