just inside (sapnapxreader)

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Everything after the line below is COPY/PASTED. This is old writing and I am only putting these back up because people are requesting that I do. If ur an og and you remember this good for u lol. Love u all <3

This is old writing.

(contains smut) cringe warning, not edited


It was fairly late when you felt quite a large movement behind you in your dream. Continuing your slumber, you ignored it and went on dozing back into unconsciousness. You slipped back into a quiet breathing pattern until your dream began to pick up again. 

Then, for a second time, your comfortable bliss was interrupted by a tugging at your hip. You let out an annoyed sigh and pressed the side of your face into the pillow harder as if you could escape the hand at your side by smothering yourself into the silk fabric and dissolving against the tensile puff of your pillow. 

You felt a huff of air at your neck. The mouth it came from let out a disconcerted groan. 

You were more awake now, and let out a second sigh, further reiterating that this activity was interrupting your slumber. 

"Nick, what are you doing?" you muttered at him. 

He swiftly slid his arm across your waist and with a swish of the fabric, your ass was pulled to his crotch. You opened your eyes. 

"Nick," you half laughed and half scolded. He kissed your neck and you could tell there was a slight smile on his lips. He pressed you to him tighter and you could feel how hard he was. 

"Please?" was all he said. You knew what he wanted. 

"Nick, I told you I'm not in the mood," you rolled your eyes, still sleepy. You found his distress amusing. 

"Please, y/n," he murmured, his voice shifting from confidence to urgency. 

"I'm way too tired for this. I can barely keep my eyes open right now," you reached up, ran your fingers through his hair, and then brought your hand back down again to rest beside your head on the pillow. 

"Please..." he almost whined. "Just- just inside..." 

You thought about it but began to drift off again. 

"Y/n, please," he begged. 

"Fine," you groaned. He released his tight grip and carefully felt for the waistband of your underwear in the unilluminated darkness of your room. With gentle but hasty hands he pulled them down to your knees and then used his foot to push them all the way off your legs. He grabbed your waist and kissed you again, only to let go and fiddle with the tie of his sweats. You started to fall asleep again as you felt him situate himself on the other side of you. There was a rustling and then the almost inaudible sound of clothes hitting the floor. Then, silence. 

Lips pressed themselves to your shoulder and you rubbed your legs together. A hand was placed on your hip and rubbed slowly up your side and then slid back down before returning to the place it was before. 

Sapnap's lips moved higher and attached to your skin, sucking a mark at your exposed collar bone. The hand then slid lower this time, past your ass and flipping to the underside of your thigh, casually lifting it from the other. 

You felt his tip press to your entrance before he slowly slid it in halfway. You let out a soft moan and Sapnap's breath hitched in his throat. 

Slowly, after a few seconds and with a tilt of his head backward, he slid in all the way, filling you up. You forgot how big he was. 

He almost forgot to put your leg down but did so shakily. You were immensely tired but breathing heavily. You could feel him stretching you out and resumed his work on your neck. 

You let out a quiet hum but continued to try and fall asleep. You couldn't. 

To try and ease off some of the pressure, you tightened your muscles around him and then released them, causing him to stifle a surprised moan. 

More time passed but the tension was too strong and distracting. You needed to move again; you couldn't take it. 

This time, both of you let out hushed sounds of pleasure as you squeezed him for the second time and you noticed Sapnaps grip on your waist was dangerous. You could feel the heat between you two. 

With a loud grunt be bucked his hips. Your eyes rolled back into your head and you grasped onto his hand. Sapnap shuddered. 

"Mhm," you whimpered. "That feels really... good." 

"Fuck," Sap moaned. 

You gritted your teeth. You wanted more but wouldn't admit it to yourself. A loose hair fell onto your face and you blew it away with a huff. Sapnap slipped his hand in between your thighs once again, and this time lifted one higher. The cold air hit the inside of your legs and a tingle shot through your spine. 

Sapnap pressed up into you, almost as if to push at your insides, making another whimper leave your mouth. You tangled your fingers in your own hair and pulled, trying to distract yourself from the pleasure radiating through your body. 

Sapnap thrust more intentionally this time, pushing your leg up far enough for it to bend at the joint and dangle limply in his hand. He kissed your cheek gently and angled himself again and slammed into you. You moaned into the pillow. 

"I told you-," you panted. "I-," it was hard to get words out. "I'm too tired, Nick." 

Sapnap hummed. "Oh, you love it don't you, y/n." 

You turned pink, your body shivering from another deep thrust. "I-," you weren't controlling the noises leaving your mouth anymore. 

"What was that?" he whispered seductively followed by a short groan. 

"Oh- please, Nick" Your leg was lifted higher and another single aggressive thrust was angled at your hips. 

"Ah, look, your begging for it now," he scolded you, smirking. 

You didn't care. It was taking all of your composure not to turn around, push him on his back, and ride him till your knees went weak. 

"Fuck," you both moaned in unison.

"That's it-" he huffed. It was as if he could read your mind. "Sit on me." He pulled out and sat facing up, his dick sticking straight up, waiting for you. You tiredly scrambled on top of him and sank down after aligning his dick with your entrance. 

You didn't waste any time in the beginning to bounce but was thankful to let his hands guide your hips up and down in a rhythmic motion. You relaxed and leaned foreword into his chest in complete and utter bliss. 

"Mhmm..." You sighed, "Yes..." 

"Fuck, I love it when you ride me," He cupped your face with one of his hands and made eye contact with you. It was so cute how his brows furrowed together and his lips were pursed. 

You bit your lip and continued to stare back at him. He began to pull your hips down harder, and harder until sluttish moans could be heard escaping from your mouth. Your hand weakly rested on his shoulders and there was nothing you could do as you squirmed in his lap. 

"Fuck I-" You didn't know what to say. All you could do was whine and pant and look up at him as Sapnap pounded into you. You reached down and rubbed your clit, knowing you were about to be on the edge. 

With tight circles, the pleasure was multiplied by two and your eyes lost focus. Before you knew it, you were hitting your high; Tangling your hand in Sap's hair, screaming his name so loud the neighborhood could probably hear it. He came with you, unearthly sounds coming from his throat in absolute ecstasy. You collapsed on his chest with a final moan. You lay there panting, the sweat from both of your bodies sticking together and refusing to let you slide downwards. 

"That was..." you mumbled. "...yeah," he finished for you. His hand unconsciously stroked your hair and washed all the worries from your mind. 

You smiled and slipped off, asleep on top someone that you never wanted to wake from.

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