agent pt.1 & pt.2 (dreamxreader)

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I don't like these, but you guys seem to.

Everything after the line below is COPY/PASTED. This is old writing and I am only putting these back up because people are requesting that I do. Even the notes are copy/pasted (what is below this section) but I left them because I'm too lazy to edit them out. If ur an og and you remember them good for u lmao. Love u all <3

Warning: the grammar and sentence structure is HORRIBLE

This is old writing.


(Implied fem reader with the french)


This is a play on like a spy/secret agent type of thing..? idk. Basic prompt for this: Two agents who used to be romantically involved before they were agents, run into each other trying to complete their missions. y/n is now a well-known criminal and when Dream runs into them he's impressed at what they've become. This one is also just a short chapter I have better ones coming.

y/c/n: your code name (or just name if u want idgaf)

y/r/n: your real name (aka y/n)

There was a noise.

I searched the room for a movement but saw nothing.

I turned back to the box and ran my gloved hand against its rough surface. What treasures could it hold? Why did they want it so bad? I read one of the many identical labels stuck on the crate, "Fragile, handle with care."

Well, for whatever reason they wanted it, they certainly didn't want it to get damaged.

"Well..." a male voice said behind me.

I knew someone had been watching me. With a swift movement, I pulled my knife from the sheath strapped to my calf and turned in a fighting stance. Based on where I heard the voice come from and knowing that it came from right behind me, I held the knife up to the neck of an individual several inches taller than me. He had grabbed my wrist just in time.

Without looking up into his eyes, I asked the only question that bothered me, "Who sent you?"

To my surprise, he laughed, "And why would I tell you that?"

I was silent.

"You're going to have to come with me," he said, implying I was going to surrender.

Well, I wasn't, so he would have to fight with me, plain and simple.

I quickly thrust my knife hand out of his grip and spun, preparing to stab him in his upper leg. He parried my attempt and seized both of my arms behind my back.

"Give it up, y/c/n," he told me.

I was getting frustrated, not used to being countered so easily. I attempted a classic side-kick at his legs to knock him off balance so I would have the advantage, but he moved just in time and somehow, in the process, pulled my mask off.

I was still facing away from him, so he hadn't seen my face, but this made things complicated.

"What do you want from me," I tried to distract him, but I now realized I didn't have a choice; he was going to see my face one way or another. I turned to face him in the middle of his explanation, and he stopped speaking abruptly.

"y/r/n," he breathed, stunned.

I stepped back in surprise.

"How do you know my name?!" I sputtered.

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