netflix (georgexreader)

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You sat at your desk, waiting for the hours to pass by. You never imagined you would be here for this long, but you were practicing your procrastination at its finest. The assignment was due in less than 3 hours, and all you could do was stare at the clock. You looked back to the computer.

Sighing, you moved your cursor and closed out the tab, hating yourself for giving up. It was no use, though; you weren't going to complete it anyway.

You picked up your phone and leaned back into your chair. Opening it, you waited at the home screen, pondering what to occupy yourself with. After another moment, you set your phone back down again, giving up on that too.

Maybe I could watch a movie?

Uncrossing your feet, you stood and strode over to the bed, grabbing the remote on the way over and propping down onto the soft cushion with a little plop. You turned the TV on and waited for it to start up, twirling your finger in your hair, zoning out. When it was finally loaded, you opened Netflix, selected your profile, and scrolled down the everlasting lists, almost bored with the selection.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, you found a drama/romance that actually interested you. You clicked the movie, and the Netflix logo came up, the film starting to play: Dah Dunh. [please tell me u know what i'm talking about]

Your phone buzzed on your desk, but you didn't notice; your attention stuck to the movie.

The text read: I'll be home in 20

After about 15 minutes into the show, things began to escalate. When you clicked it, you weren't exactly imagining you were going to be sighing yourself up for watching two people have hot closet sex in a corner. You were starting to get invested. And turned on.

You rubbed your legs together. You almost felt embarrassed for watching their romance; it was so intense, so full of passion. The space between your legs started to throb as one of the characters lifted the other's skirt. Well, this was embarrassing.

Before you knew it, your hand was snaking down to your stomach, and then even lower, breath hitching as your sexual attention became engulfed into the drama. It was getting steamy.

You brought the opposite hand to your mouth and bit down on the edge of the sweatshirt you wore. You knew what you were doing probably wasn't wise. George would be arriving home sometime soon; you were just having trouble trying to determine when.

A small noise left your mouth as your middle and pointer fingers rubbed circles under the fabric of your underwear. You supposed you had, give or take, a half an hour.

You leaped off the sheets and opened your dresser drawer to fish around for your vibrator. You forgot your embarrassment about those fake characters and smiled when you saw the little pink stick. You wrapped your searching fingers around the toy and shut the drawer, returning to the bed. Laying on your back, you slipped off your bottoms, threw them to the side, and slid it in slowly.

"Ngh," you sighed. You definitely missed using this. The little voice in your head was content. "Mhh," you pushed it in further. Then, you pressed the button on the top of the stick, and the pleasure that rippled through your body increased.

"Fuck, uh," You reunited your hand with your clit and rubbed, rapidly inhaling as double the pleasure challenged to throw you over the edge.



George was standing in the doorway; his whole demeanor seemed different from his usual composure. He looked at you with curiosity, almost embarrassment that was gradually being taken over by growing hunger.

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