Chapter Seven

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The very next night, beckoning hoots reached Carabosse's ears. Fully rested and ready to fly, she emerged from Ibis' nest into the moonlight that shone through the canopy of leaves above. They cast intricate shadow patterns upon her pale skin, as she stood upon a branch beside the two owls. They towered over her natural fairy size. She focused on their stature and felt herself grow to match them.

"That's better, I think," Carabosse said aloud and sensed her two friends' agreement. Chasser then turned his head a hundred and eighty degrees, to the direction where they will be flying. The rest of his body then followed suit, before he kicked off the branch that he was perched upon. Ibis and Carabosse followed him in perfect synchronisation and the three of them soared into the night sky.

They flew and they flew, swooped this way and that. Carabosse revelled in the joy of not having to hold herself back. She let her strong raven wings use all of their power. The three, with their equally powerful feathered wings managed to reach their destination in no time. That destination was a hidden cave, high up inside a cliff face. It was impossible for any human being or land bound animal to ever reach this cave entrance. Even some fairies would struggle to reach such a destination. Only those with strong wings and a daring spirit could successfully reach the Dark One's lair.

The three landed and Carabosse peered inside. Within the small opening was an impossibly large space. Strange stalagmites and stalactites reached from the ceiling and the ground as if they desperately longed to meet in the middle. But they were not long enough to touch fingertips, never mind hold hands.

These formations glowed in royal purple and glittered with magical properties. The walls that surrounded them possessed a variety of colours that swirled in a dizzying dance. It looked like a spinning galaxy abided within the rock that held the cave's shape.

"Wow..." Carabosse's emerald eyes lit up at the sight.

"Impressive," Ibis's thoughts echoed within Carabosse's mind.

"Come on," Chasser interrupted with an even lower voice than Ibis'. "Achlys is waiting for you."

"He's expecting me?" Carabosse wondered out loud.

"Of course," Chasser replied with no hesitation. "Follow me."

He then launched himself into the air again. He swooped around each formation that stood in his way, and the two others followed his every move as though they were playing a speedy game of "follow the leader". They then arrived at a wooden door. It looked incredibly heavy and had intricate curved patterns carved around its edges.

"Go in, Carabosse, you must go in alone."

"I -" A new sense of fear gripped at the back of Carabosse's neck and sent pins and needles down her spine.

"You'll be okay, I promise," Ibis reassured his fairy friend. Hearing his gentle voice, gave Carabosse courage. With a nod of her head and a deep breath she pushed the heavy wooden door open.

Carabosse walked into a large stone room. She looked around. All she saw at first was a glowing circular pool of water in the centre of the room that seemed to be made of nothing but dark grey slate; the walls perfectly matched the floor, as did the ceiling. The ceiling had a small perfectly round hole that let in the moonlight that directly shone upon the glittering waters of the pool.

"Carabosse, my child, you have arrived at last," an angelic voice took over the still air, making the young fairy jump in surprise. A gentle chuckle then followed and a dark cloaked figure emerged from the shadows.

"Hello, who are you?" Carabosse asked the mysterious being. He took a few steps closer before reaching two hands up to his heavy hood.

"I am Achlys, the Dark One," he answered in his beautiful voice, then revealed two sparkling dark eyes set in a chiselled face that shone like it was made of marble. The black hood brushed along silver spiked hair that covered the top of his head, then fell gracefully upon his strong shoulders.

Carabosse's eyes were lost within the beauty she saw. He didn't look like a "dark" one at all. He looked like light itself. Like the moon had been reborn into the form of a beautiful angelic male. Carabosse could find no words to say to him, she just stood there looking at him in awe. The same chuckle she heard earlier left the "Dark One's" marble lips leaving behind a magnificent smile.

"Not what you were expecting I suppose," he said with a glint in his black irises. Carabosse shook her head, her mouth embarrassingly left agape. "Don't worry, my child, you'll soon know all you need to know about me and where you truly belong."

Once the Dark One said this, Carabosse managed to snap out of her reverie almost instantly.

"You mean, I can belong?" Carabosse asked, then nervously added, "D-Dark One..."

"Call me, Achlys," Achlys said serenely and stroked his soft hand against Carabosse's reddening cheek. "For we shall be close friends."

Carabosse's heart soared at that. That's all she'd ever wanted. She could quickly see that his temperament matched the brightness of his form.

"Alright, Achlys," Carabosse felt his name upon her tongue and enjoyed each syllable.

Achlys then held out his hand.

"Come with me," he said smoothly. Carabosse looked tentatively at his extended hand. "Come on, take it..." he added and moved his hand closer to hers.

Shaking like a leaf in the morning breeze, she reached her hand towards his and allowed him to wrap his fingers around hers. Her hand seemed to fit perfectly within his.

Achlys then took her to the side of the moonlit circular pool.

"What is it for?" she asked whilst looking into the lapping, shining water.

"This allows me to see what goes on out there. It will also help me communicate all that I need to tell you," Achlys began to explain.

"What you need to tell me?" Carabosse questioned, turning her gaze from the pool, back to her new companion's wonderful face.

"Yes, I believe it is only fair that I tell you all about myself. Seeing as I already know everything about you."

"How do you know me?" Carabosse asked, her brow raised in bewilderment.

"I've been watching over you, the whole time. I know how they all mistreated you. How Heartha set you up to fail from the very start. I know all that ever goes on within the Enchanted Forest," Achlys informed her whilst indicating the glassy waters in front of them both.

Carabosse found her gaze get drawn back to the pool, she watched Achlys dip a pale finger into the water and watched it begin to swirl into life. A force seemed to pull Carabosse in and her eyes squeezed shut in response to the strange sensation. Her neck and shoulders ached as she fought against the pull.

"Let go, Carabosse. Allow the water's magic open up to you," Achlys' angelic voice directed her. Carabosse began to relax her shoulders and she eventually opened her eyes again.

She looked around. She could no longer see the slate room, she also could not see Achlys standing beside her. But she could feel his hand holding hers steadily.

"Where am I?" she questioned the air around her.

"You are inside a memory." Carabosse heard Achlys' voice reply. "My memory. All you need to do is watch and you'll know my truth."

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