Chapter Three

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Theia's efforts fell on deaf ears. She tried a number of times to talk Heartha around to giving Alina a place within magic school. However, no matter what Theia said, she remained sceptical and sent her away with the dismissive phrase, "I'll think about it."

Alina watched the small wooden door of the willow tree slowly open after Theia visited her sister once again. Her mama's downcast expression told Alina everything she needed to know.

"It didn't work, did it?" she asked, her face matching the solemnness of her guardian's.

"I'm so sorry, Alina, I tried..."

"I know you did. It's alright," Alina replied. She shrugged her shoulders and turned away so that she could hide the tears that fought to escape her eyes.

"Oh, my light, I hate seeing you like this."

Alina gave another shrug with her back turned. Theia could only see this movement as it ricocheted along her black, feather wings.

Theia thought hard. She desperately racked her brain for a way to cheer up her child. Then only one solution came to her. Alina needed to learn magic, she was gifted and picked up things easily. In fact, she was the perfect student.

"Well, if Mother still refuses to teach you. I will have to."

Alina turned around to look at her Mama.

"But, the other night..."

"I was wrong to stop your lessons after that night. I was convinced Heartha would listen. But it's clear now that she won't. So I'll teach you here at home."

"I won't be with the others, I still won't have any friends..." Alina reminded Theia sadly.

"Yes, but you'll be educated and you will have a place in this world. A place that is fulfilling," Theia said confidently, her eyebrows knitted together in determination. "Heartha does not truly have the last word. We mustn't let her prejudices dictate your future!"

"Will we go and fly in the forest again? Tonight?" Alina asked excitedly, clearly won over by her mama's passionate words.

"No, not tonight. I was thinking of showing you a few spells that we can do within the willow tree."

"Oh..." Alina uttered disappointedly, the beam of excitement left her eyes as her gaze fell to her feet.

"Don't worry, Alina, we will go out and fly again. But tonight, I wanted to show you how to do domestic tasks with magic. You'll need to know this magic to build your own home one day," Theia explained, then added, "You can take what I teach you here, out there." She waved her hand towards the open window.

"Oh, okay!" The light returned to Alina's eyes and a smile stretched her mouth.

"Great! When would you like to start? After supper?"

"Now! Please!" Alina squealed with delight and jumped up and down.

"Oh! Alright. Well, first thing's first!"

Theia then scurried to an old chest that stood in a humble dusty corner of the room. She opened the lid carefully and rummaged through its mysterious contents. Eventually she escaped the small trove grasping onto an old wooden wand. It's length matched that of her forearm and it looked a bit weathered.

"This was my first wand. The Great Power gave it to me himself the day he created me. I would like you to have it."

"To keep?" Alina asked excitedly.

"Yes, to keep."

Alina reached towards the wand that Theia held out towards her. But a sudden jerk of movement caused a surprised gasp to leave her lips.

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