chapter three.

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Kaoru refused to make eye contact with me since the first day. I turned my head to look at him curiously. I wasn't sure what exactly I did to make him avoid me but if he wished to than I really had no say. 

"Are we going somewhere today?" I laid on my back and held the book above my face while lazily skimming through the pages. I had been working as Kaoru's assistant for almost a week. It surprised me at how well he kept his distance even if we both lived in the same house. I would make him meals at times for when he returned from wherever he went late at night. Most times the food would be eaten before I could ever catch him at the table. 

"Yes, I have a meeting with a client. I'll need you to pick up a few things and meet me at this address." He held out his hand  with a slip of paper with the information. Kaoru only left out his arm and didn't bother to turn around. I decided this was my opportunity to force him to at least look at me. I may have said it didn't bother me but in all honesty I had been racking my brain constantly for a solution.

I went to grab the paper but pulled his wrist towards me instead. He stumbled out of his chair in surprise. His eyes had no choice but to meet mine when his face came inches from my own. 

"Have I offended you Mr. Sakurayashiki?" I kept a serious expression as I awaited his response eagerly. His lips parted to say something but instead he quickly closed them. I carefully watched for any reaction that would clue me in on his answer. "Sir?"

"Just complete the tasks I gave you. Then we can discuss such trivial matters."

My eyes lit up in relief. "Just do these tasks?" I repeated aloud to myself. 


"It definitely was the right decision to request you. It was popular among the female clients, too." 

"I'm honored that I could be of service." 

Kaoru smiled at the elderly businessman while a familiar face came to serve their food. He prevented himself from turning down his face in annoyance. "Welcome, Mr. Tamashiro," the green-haired male said politely. 

"I brought you a valuable client of mine. He's a master calligrapher—" he was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Upon seeing the contact name he stood from his seat, "Sorry about this." 

Of course, once the man left, Joe was quick to try and recall the events that had previously occurred at S. Kaoru tried to ignore him but he was persistent to speak of what happened while eating his meal. 

"I make the rules inside this restaurant, you cheapskate four-eyes."

"If that's the case, post it outside, as well, you feebleminded gorilla!" He snatched his plate away from him and snapped his head the other way. 

"Give that back, rotting four-eyes!" 

"Shut up, half-wit!"

The two bantered back and forth between one another while being careful not to catch the other man's eye. That was until a new customer tore Joe's attention away from his bickering between him and Kaoru. It appeared to be an elegant woman in a kimono with silk black hair cascading down her back. They carried many bags in their arms and had their hair covering their face. They briskly walked forward while checking a paper in their hands. Kaoru followed Joe's gaze and his eyes landed on the customer as well. "Kaia?"

"You know her?" Joe asked and never took his eyes off of the customer.

"That's my new assistant. What do you mean her?"

"That woman," he began until they turned around from the sound of Kaoru's voice. The mysterious customer was in fact a male and was Kaia. "Or man?"

"Mr. Sakurayashiki." He held up the bags he held in confirmation that he completed the tasks. Kaia went to stand beside Kaoru and set the bags down on the floor near him. Kaoru swore he could see ears and a happily waving tail appear on Kaia. He looked at his boss with a calm smile as if he were an obedient puppy awaiting for his reward after doing a trick. 

"You work for pink headed four-eyes here? I'm sure I would have remembered someone like you." Joe gave a smirk and stepped closer to Kaia while tilting his head to get a better look. 

"I just started this week. It makes sense that you haven't seen me."

"I would be happy to see more of you," the muscular male leaned towards him and looked him over. "Around the restaurant I mean." The atmosphere was suddenly tense while they both stared at one another silently. That was until Kaoru decided to break the tension and walked in front of Joe to block his view of Kaia. 

"I would appreciate you not harassing my assistant."

"I have done no such thing. I only wanted to get to know him better," Joe walked around him and swung his arm around Kaia. "Is there any reason you'd have a problem with that?"

Kaoru was about to respond until he realized that he didn't have an answer. Why did he care what Joe thought about Kaia or even what he said? Kaia is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. 

Then why did it bother him so much?

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