Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ariela's POV

I raced to their lockers on the other side of the school and oddly enough they were almost next to each other. I was now in a fast walk, my small heels furiously clicking on the floor and people clearing out my way as I went. I don't wanna sound full of myself but I am the 'IT' girl here so this was nothing new to me. As I reached their lockers they were babbling on about how hard math class was. That is until I reached them, then they became worried when they saw how stressed out I was.

"Ari what's up, are you okay?" Ali asked, always being the first one to talk in the sort of situation.

"Um, did you guys hear any rumours about me today? You know, anything out of the ordinary?" I asked hesitantly, debating whether or not to just come right out and say it.

"No, not recently why?" Amy asked being all suspicious and what not.

"Oh thank god." I said relieved that this hadn't travelled around the school. I know that because these two girls were the queens of gossip and nobody spread anything unless coming to them first. Which I was more than grateful for because they would not approve it if it was about me. "Come with me, I'll tell you everything."

I dragged my 2 clueless friends into the restroom, being careful as to push every stall door open making sure there were no eavesdroppers lurking around for the latest gossip; not that it would get anywhere. I concluded that there was no one in the stalls so I began to tell the story of what happened in English class. I also told them why I couldn't go shopping after school because of the detention I was actually looking forward to.

As soon as I finished my story they both erupted in giggles and squeals. I was seriously wondering why they were acting like this when I had just told them my embarrassing story. Then it hit me, as if Ali took the words right out of my mouth she whisper yelled.

"He fancies you, you idiot!" Was it actually true? Thinking of the situation and what Louis had told me over and over trying to decipher Liam's feelings toward me. He couldn't fancy me, it's not possible!

"No, I bet he doesn't he was just being nice." I concluded attempting to make a break for the door but I was stopped abruptly by Amy.

"I bet you anything he does and he's going to tell you that in detention because you made it so obvious that you fancy him." Amy stated making it clear to me that I had no choice but to listen and not run past her.

"Who said I even liked him in the first place?" I replied with a tone of frustration deep in my voice.

"You did when you said that you were looking forward to going to detention with him, duh!" Ali retorted to my snide remark.

"Fine, I'll give you that." I decided to give in because I know I'm not going to win this argument.

"HA! I knew it, you do fancy him!" Amy squealed with excitement jumping up and down.

"Keep it down and yes I think he is super-fit and totally sweet because he was defending me." I said smiling, now fangirling with my girls over Liam. Oh Liam with his gorgeous brown locks and cute brown eyes. And his voice, oh his sweet angelic calming voice that never failed to put me in daze while talking to him. As much as I hate to admit this, I guess I've always wanted a guy in my life. Whether it be Liam or some other guy, makes no difference to me.

As we walked out of the bathroom, the girls deciding that they had gotten the truth out of me, I rambled on and on about how cute Liam was and all they did was agree with me. When we made it down to the cafeteria all heads turned to us as we entered. This wasn't anything abnormal but this time it seemed more like the girls were glaring at me. But I shook it off.

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