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Ariela's POV

I walked up the steps to my house knowing that my dad was still at work. I unlocked the door with the key I still had and ventured inside. It seemed like a foreign place to me but I once knew it as home. Daniela was trailing behind me and then blasted upstairs. I went to my room to gather my things. Harry came in with a few boxes and helped me pack.

When we were finished I looked around, the only thing left in my room was the furniture. Taking one last look around and I noticed something sticking out from under my bed. I sauntered over and to my surprise; the object was the photo album of my family. It had every picture of my mum that we owned. You know, except for the ones my so called dad kept somewhere. I smiled to myself and placed the photo album carefully in one of the boxes.

"Hey Dani, you done?" I called across the hall to my little sister trying to cram one last article of clothing into a box. Leave it to her to have way too many clothes. I mean mountains of them; mum would always buy her clothes to shut her up. Let's just say she was a whiner.

"Yeah, just, have, one, last, thing," She yelled back jumping on the box between her words, "Done!" she smiled at me and ran into my arms. This was a very sentimental sisterly moment. Our last few minutes of living at the house we grew up in. Well, I grew up in; she still has A LOT of growing up to do. We let go of our embrace and lugged the last couple boxes to Harry's car. He was rearranging some in the back seat so Dani and the 2 other boxes could fit.

"You okay?" He asked me turning around. I put down the boxes and the tears started to flow. "Shh, love it's okay, don't worry you'll be happy at my house. Well, our house now I guess." I simply nodded and sobered up my tears.

"Alright," I told him pulling away, "Get in the car Dani, we're leaving now." She hopped in the backseat, but only having a little bit of room because of the moving supplies. I got in the passenger's seat and Harry immediately took my hand in his grasp. I looked up at him and smiled, he did the same. I found myself gazing at the house I knew so well as we backed out of the driveway. I sat there thinking of the wonderful memories I have had in that house.


"Hi, I'm Harry!" said the 7 year old boy in front of me sticking out his hand.

"Hello, I'm Ariela," I told him shaking his hand, "I'm new here."

"Well Ariela I'm new here, would you like to be my friend?" Harry asked with a grin on his face. I laughed at his little joke, he sure was cute.

"My name is Ariela Starford not Ariela I'm new here, and I would love to!" I beamed.

"And who might this be?" My mum asked striding over to Harry and I, bending down to our level.

"I'm Harry Styles!"

"So Harry, does your mummy know you're here?"

"Nope, but she's coming over now, look!" He said pointing to the woman walking over to us. Man this boy was full of energy.

"Hi there, I'm Anne," The woman said shaking my mum's hand, "Now Harry, you don't just leave Mary and John's house to go play with this little girl across the street alright?" Anne told him looking at Harry sternly.

"Alright mummy, I know. Now can I go play with Ariela?"

"You sure can my dear." Harry smiled brightly at his mum and we ran off to play while our mums were talking. I knew from that day on Harry and I were going to be great friends.

*End of Flashback*

I smiled at this memory; those were the good old days.

"What are you smiling about?" Hazza asked me with a smirk clear in his voice.

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