Harry's POV
I looked down at Ari only to see her looking straight back up at me. She was smiling and at that point I knew she had woken up when my parents were in here.
"So uh, did you hear what they were saying?" I asked her not removing my arms from around her.
"Yep, all of it. Even the part when Anne was taking pictures."
"So that means you woke up at the same time as me. That also means you didn't move from our, uh, position." I said smirking at her.
"Well um I um," she stuttered racking her brain for an excuse as to why she hadn't moved, "I didn't want to wake you."
"Yeah sure." I said smiling down at her and she returned it.
"So you wanna go eat now?" she asked changing the subject.
"I would but I'm way too comfy." I joked with her, tightening my grip on her waist.
"As comfy as you feel, I'm kinda hungry so c'mon Haz, let me go?"
"Not a chance love, not a chance."
"Okay then, we'll have to do this the hard way." She said and started to tickle my sides. I loosened my grip on her because I was laughing so hard.
"HEY!" I yelled. She was now out of the bed and standing up with her arms crossed. All she did was smile at me and start to walk out of my room, boxers and all. I got out of bed too wearing sweats and no shirt.
Ariela's POV:
We both went through the kitchen door at the same time, shoving each other trying to be the first one in. This time he was the winner. He strutted over to his seat and plopped himself down. I took my normal seat next to him, yes I have a special seat too since I was here so often.
"Oh hi Els," Gemma, Harry's older sister said to me, "I didn't know you stayed here last night."
"Hey Gemmy, yeah, Daniela and I just wanted to get out of the house for a night."
"That's cool, so what are you planning on doing today?"
"I don't know, probably whatever Hazza's doing." I said with a shrug.
"Well I'm going out to the cinema with the boys today if you want to come." He asked me.
"Sure, but what about Dani?"
"I can take her shopping." Gemma offered, I agreed and Daniela was madly excited. The next thing I know there was a big plate of pancakes being sat on the table by Anne. We thanked her and dove in to eat.
"So I take it you two had a good sleep?" Anne asked me and Harry. I thought this was the proper time to put in a good joke.
"Actually, his chest is as hard as a rock and totally not comfy to sleep on." I joked but Gemma wasn't expecting this so she spit out her milk all over her food. Harry burst out with laughter and he got a rightfully earned smack in the head with his mum's dish rag. I chuckled to myself at this chain of events.
"She laughed too, why doesn't Ari get a whip in the head?" Harry said gesturing in my direction.
"Because, she's not my kid so I don't have the right to abuse her." Anne was obviously joking but this had struck a nerve for me. I looked down at my food, suddenly not feeling as hungry anymore.
"Um, I'm gonna go get dressed." I said in a low tone not looking anywhere but the floor. I shuffled my way upstairs but not before hearing this,
"Did I say something wrong?" Anne asked.

It's Complicated - One Direction
FanfictionAriela Starford is a 17 year old girl who has most of what she wants. She lives in a large house that she shares with her father and younger sister Daniela. She is the most popular girl in her high school because she is known to be selfless, she cou...