chapter five

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guys omg thank you so much I know I say this at the beginning of every chapter but I'm truly thankful for all of the reads :) also here's a good break from the last chapter bc that was kinda a lot

Tws: ED, mentions of drugs

*Clays pov*

The movie was over, but George was in the kitchen making us lunch. I could hear him open the microwave and set the timer. as the timer got closer to 0 I could smell the leftover chicken being reheated.

"What are you gonna do with the leftover chicken?" I asked George genuinely curious as to what he was he was going to do with the old meat. Oh god, the chicken was probably dry now. I should cook, after all, George is my guest and I don't want to seem incapable. even though I sorta am, but only without the supervision of George. Even though I know it ill never admit it.

"Oh, I was gonna make us chicken and cheese quesadillas for us," George asked me practically begging me to come into the kitchen with him.

"Oh, cool. Can I help?" I only asked so I could make sure it was okay with him and that I wasn't getting the wrong signal from him

"Yeah of course clay" His tone almost sexual but not enough to do anything to me. His accent was so cute. I got butterflies whenever I was around him, so I basically always had them. But even though I was with George it didn't make it better. I still didn't want to eat. I just want both of us to be happy... but he's not happy because I'm not happy, so ill start "being happy" so he'll be happy. maybe then ill be happy seeing him happy.

"But... no portion control, I know how you are clay and I know you try to slip something past me and it won't work." Duh, of course, George would say that. It's such a George thing to say, but maybe it'll help me.

"Obviously, I'm trying to get better George, and you're helping me. I love you George and if you think you can help me then ill give it a shot. Truly I do want to be better." It's not like I want to be like this. It's not like this is all I am right? Even if this is all I am to George, he still stays. So if this is what he sees me as at least he cares, at least he stays. I think he might actually love me. in a romantic way not platonic like how me and wils love used to be. wil. Wil fucking left as soon as he had that chance. Fuck you wil. You know what forget about Wil, George is here now and George cares. George is my future.

"Good because... I- I love you" George blushed as he does all the time when he says anything remotely romantic. He's such a bottom it's sad sometimes.

"I love you too Georgie"

"Okay, let's start cookinggggg" George was clearly joking around but his smile lit up the whole room it gave me butterflies. He alone gives me butterflies.

George put the tortilla on the hot saucepan he had greased and put it on the burner beforehand. he grabbed a pinch of the old dry meat and placed it on the tortilla. he turned on the burner only to see fire. I had a gas stove so I wasn't surprised but he clearly was. he didn't say anything about it so I assumed it just caught him off guard. he put the cheese on top of the meat and placed another tortilla on top. Why did he put so much cheese, there was wayyy too much cheese for the small amount of chicken he put on it.

"George turn down the heat your gonna burn the house down"

*Georges pov*

He let out that tea kettle laugh. Augh I love that tea kettle laugh of his, it melts me.

"I'm not gonna burn anything except your quesadilla if you don't shut it" wow bold move George. I didn't know I had it in me to say something like that to him.

"Is that yours or mine?" clay asked as if it mattered I was gonna make them both the same anyways.

*Clays pov*

Does it matter? Yes. Yes, it matters. I know he said no portion control but he put a big handful of cheese, like a really really big handful. Normally I would skip the meal all together but I planned on eating this- all of it. I know it's a lot of food but I want to make George proud.

"George that better be yours because the ratio of cheese to chicken on that thing is not right. way too much cheese to chicken. you can have that one and ill make my own" Will he even let me make my own food? I hope so because id rather not have my mouth be filled with orange goop and chunks of aged meat. If I were going to eat something, it wouldn't be this.

"Jeez harsh much, at least I'm not dog water" he stuck his tongue at me, little does he know that I'd rather it be down my throat.

"Of course you can make your own food, you're an adult not a child so I'm going to treat you like an adult." we both laughed a little

"But I'm watching you, and don't forget it" he signals this by moving his pointer and middle finger from pointing at his eyes to gesturing to me.

"deal" I re-greased the pan and put one flour tortilla on it as George walked over to the stools on the other side of the island to which my stove was attached to. I sprinkled a bit of cheese then put a decent amount of meat than more cheese.

"What's so much better about yours than mine? They look the same to me."

"Well if you must know king George, Mine has less cheese and more chicken so you can taste everything that's in it instead of just tasting cheese." We walked to the couch together and sat down next to each other. by the time we sat down George was almost done with his quesadilla and I haven't even started mine. I took a few bites while putting on a movie Niki told me to watch called 'Seasons Greetings' on Hulu. Before the movie actually started playing I asked George if we could go on a walk to the park after the movie. little did he know I texted my dealer t come to the park so I could buy edibles from him for me and George. I want to surprise him. I don't really know where he stands on the whole "doing drugs" thing, but because he was from the UK I was pretty sure he hadn't tried any before. If he's not okay with it then ill just give them to my neighbor nick, I know he would like them. I do hope that's he's okay with me doing it at least because it would be sad if I had to stop doing drugs because the love of my life doesn't like them.

"Yeah that should be fine as long as you finish your food"

And I did. I finished all my food and it was time to go.

LONG CHAPTER POGGGGG. Sorry this chapter took so long to come out, the next one should be out sometime this week :D [wc: 1261]

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