chapter 12

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Tws: ED

*Georges pov*

Now we have to go get my shit.

The taxi pulled up to the airport. We got in, paid, and before we knew it, we were at the hotel. It wasn't much, but it was enough for Clay and me to feel comfortable. We soon walked inside and were greeted by a man working at the front desk.

"Hello, welcome to the Big InnIt Hotel! My name is Jack, I'm the owner. Do you have a reservation or would you like to make one?" (yes I really just did that)

"Reservation, it should be under George"

"Yes, I see it right here, here's your room key. You guys are on the 4th floor" He said while handing us the key card and pointed to the elevator with his free hand.

"Thank you" I held Clay's hand and we walked into the elevator. We stepped in and pressed the '4' button on the wall.

"You excited?" I asked Clay.

"Yeah, and everyone here talks kinda funny."

"Well, I'm sure that everyone here thinks you're the one who talks funny."

"Oh yeah I'm sure," He said mocking my accent. The elevator door opened so we grabbed our bags and stepped out.

"Over here, room 321" I slid the card in the door and it opened. It was the right room.

"One bed? Really George?"

"Aw, it must suck to have to sleep in the same bed as your boyfriend. I feel so bad for you." I replied in a sarcastic tone. I could tell he was tired but we had to get my things tonight.

"I'm gonna go to sleep, can you wake me up like an hour before we have to leave?"

"Fine, but how are you tired? You slept for like 8 hours on the plane."

"Jet lag I guess, I don't know, I'm just tired." Me too. But in a different way. A way that sleep can't fix.

"Okay I guess I'll wake you up in like 4 hours then"


"Yeah, no problem"

"Good night Georgie." He said while snuggling up under the covers. He looked so cute like that. I took out my laptop and began editing one of my videos I was planning on posting next week. Three hours I finished and was feeling kinda hungry, but editing took my mind off it for a while. Besides, I would be fine as long as I ate something before we left. I went to grab my wallet but soon realized it wasn't in my pocket. I frantically moved around the small hotel room in search of the rectangularly shaped leather. I opened my backpack. phew. There it was. I found my wallet. I took out about 3£ and went to the vending machine down the hallway. Clay hadn't eaten anything yet either so I got him a granola bar. I got the same for myself and a water for us to share. I walked back to our room to see that Clay was awake.

"Good morning, or should I say good night?" I laughed a little, but he didn't. He sat on the bed staring off into the distance.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked


"Aw, do you wanna talk about it?" I asked while climbing into bed next to him.

"Not really. What time is it?"

"9:17 pm, we have to leave soon"


"I know we haven't eaten today, so I got us these" I said while showing him the granola bars and bottle of water.

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