Maybe Tomorrow- 720 Words

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So uhhh this one's kinda sad? I think it will be anyways. I'm currently listening to the ending song of the third Xenosaga game, which is called Maybe Tomorrow. We'll see how this turns out. No trigger warnings, I don't think. Adding this note after writing it, it has mentions of death and dying in it.
Michael's Pov
This wasn't supposed to happen. It just wasn't fair. We were supposed to have a break from everything. And yet, here we are, on The Risky Business possibly sailing to our deaths, to be followed by millions of others. Hope doesn't seem like a realistic thing to have anymore. Like anyone would be a fool to wish for something remotely good to happen in our situation. Standing at the rail, I looked over, thinking about everything and nothing, it seemed. I thought back to my mother. God. I might never be able to see her again. It seemed nothing would be able to lift the heavy clouds from both above and in my head.
I heard footsteps behind me and turned. McKenna. She stood there, frowning at me until I finally asked her why she was up here.
"You were taking too long," she explained.
We looked at each other for what seemed like a lifetime- one which we'd never have if even one thing went wrong on this mission. The silence seemed to press in every corner of world. It was absolutely unbearable and inescapable.
"Tell you what. How about we swap rings until this is all over. You better stay alive long enough to give me back mine," McKenna said, lightly scowling at the end of the last sentence.
She took off hers, a silver one with soft bands of gold, clear gems placed inbetween. I took off mine at nearly the same time, another silver one, but this one looked as if two leaves were wrapping around my finger when I wore it. I think it was my grandmother's. We exchanged rings both jokingly warning the other what would happen if the rings got lost.
After a couple more minutes of standing at the railing, we agreed to go back down below. Before I could fall asleep, Taylor told me about her dream. I tried my best to reassure her. Maybe we will survive this.
%%%%%%%T i m e s k i p%%%%%%%
Shot after shot rang out through the courtyard. We tried our best to avoid them, keep everyone safe, but it just wasn't working. Eventually, the Electroclan all ran for cover under the base of the tower, trying to plan out what would be our next move. Rain was pouring from all angles, it seemed nearly horizontal by this point. The group was talking about something with lightning when the idea hit me. I knew what I needed to do.
Watching my friends realize my plan as I was talking was almost worse than going. Just seeing their horror as they realized what I was about to do was soul crushing. If I could've stopped them from feeling that way, I definitely would have. McKenna shot me a look as I started towards the door
You promised.
I tried not to look in any of their eyes if I could avoid it, I knew it would make my resolve crumble. I began my climb, steadily gaining altitude and electricity.
Once I was the top, I looked down and quickly had the sudden understanding that I would not live through this night. Gazing at the ring, I wished I had told McKenna no, we may not exchange rings. This felt all the worse, wearing the broken promise of a sibling who was never going to come back. I did not want to imagine it, the grief my friends would, I think, feel over my death. Death was a selfish thing. It all ends for you but what of the people you leave behind? I wanted to see them all again, the Electroclan, my mother, everyone. Wish them all a good life, free from the Elgen and any fear they may have.
Maybe this day, maybe tomorrow...
The lightning hit.

So this was a lot sadder than anticipated. Sorry y'all. I was just in this mood. Hope you're all at least semi sane and sentient at this point.

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