Dishes- 581 Words

319 5 2

•After Book 7 {Michael's 16 or 17}
•Trigger Warning: None.
•Enjoy the fluff! (The picture above has nothing to to with the story, just thought it was cute)
•Taylor's  POV
    Jack, Ostin, Abi, Cassy, and I all decided to go to the Vey's house one moderate Saturday afternoon. Jack must've knocked on the door a little too hard because Michael's Father, Carl Vey, frantically threw it open then sighed in relief when he saw it was only us.
    "Oh," Mr. Vey breathed. "It's just you guys. Thank goodness it wasn't like, half the police force on our front steps."
    I side-smiled then inquired, "Do you know where Michael is?"
    "Yeah, he's just doing the dishes. You can come in if you'd like."
    "Thank you much, Mr. Vey."
    "It's no problem."
     The five of us walked into their house then walked to their kitchen to let Michael know we were there. I saw Michael was at the sink doing the expected chore, washing dishes. Though what we didn't expect was to see him slowly raising a foldable rubber strainer up, watching the water flow out, then putting it back into the water and repeating the process. What was even better was witnessing his expression go from confused, to awestruck, to fascinated as he stared at the strainer. My boyfriend is adorable.
    Cassy then verbalized what we were all thinking. "What?"
   Michael spun around in surprise pointing a butter knife at us in shock, then carefully lowered it as he recognized us.
    "Oh-oh hi there guys... I did not notice you all were there. Wait, how did you get into my house and how long have you been there...?" Michael questioned, cocking his head a little to the side.
    "1) We knocked-", Abi started.
    "Well," Ostin interrupted. "Jack more punched the door so Yeaaaaah."
    Michael raised an eyebrow at this and Jack looked to the ground sheepishly.
    "You gotta do what you gotta do." Jack muttered quietly. We all laughed at this remark then Abi continued.
    "Well anyways. Jack punched the door, your Dad answered it and let us in. We've been here probably longer than you'd like which would be about five minutes. There."
"Wow, it's not everyday this happens." Michael commented.
"Well, yeah. Not a single day is the same as another. I thought you knew that by now. Oh, and do you have any Schmitz Crackers here?" Ostin asked him in the most monotone voice I've ever heard the guy use. It was blank as slate.
"In the cupboard to your left, first shelf."
"No problem. I'm just about done with the dishes so Imma do that. You can wait in my room if you'd like." Michael told us.
"Mkay. Thank you." I replied, strolling out of the kitchen then into his room. It looked just as it always had, a soft reminder that we were the ones to change on our mission, not the world around us. I wondered when our next adventure would take place. A figure appeared outside Michael's window.

I didn't have to wonder for long.


Hello my dudes! How was that for a first chapter? It's also my first Wattpad book so I hope it wasn't too trashy. Please give me feedback! I gladly accept feedback with open arms 'cause that's how we get better other than practice. On a serious note, strainers are the actual best part of washing the dishes. Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day/evening!

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